Can any lieutenants at TBS give me an idea of what uniforms I should bring. I'm hoping to class up for Charlie Commpnay in April and would like to get an idea of what uniforms I need. I live in San Diego, and I want to get my dress uniforms from the Marine Shop in Quantico. I got measured at Miramar, but would prefer to get the uniforms tailored there in person. Is it advisable to just have cammies and report in Service Alphas and worry about the dress uniroms after I start TBS?
I haven't gotten commissioned yet, and if I need the dress blues for TBS, I might as well get commissioned in them.
Thanks for any help. Also an opinions of whether the Marine Shop's uniforms are worth the extra $$ would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't gotten commissioned yet, and if I need the dress blues for TBS, I might as well get commissioned in them.
Thanks for any help. Also an opinions of whether the Marine Shop's uniforms are worth the extra $$ would be greatly appreciated.