Well Phrog, I hope I did not give the impression of trying to flame ROTC units. Like I said, I think ROTC is a good program- I would agree that it should be a mandatory class for freshman and sophmores like it was in the 50s and early 60s. I have had some great leaders in my year hear at ROTC( it is Army by the way, no NROTC at my school), guys who I would follow anywhere anytime. I think some people are not fit for a Service Academy and might benefit from an ROTC stint to give themselves a gut check. All of that being said, In my opinion( which again does not count for much) a Service Academy is the way to go. I think that when some one is asking themselves what path they should follow, they want to go by the route that is going to prepare them best for the profession they want. I think the "250,000 grand shoved up yer ass one dime at a time" is a good analogy, but not a negative one. It shows that one has to be tough hombre and different type to take that, and I think that pressure cooker environment is what make a better officer. My ROTC unit is one of the better ones in the state, and even in the country, it has gotten a lot of awards and recognition etc.. No matter how good your ROTC unit is, the most that the training time will amount to is 3-4 hours a week and then some special activities every now and then. Nothing is really serious till you go to Adv. Camp ( I don't know what NROTC guys do). So in deciding, one must ask themselves what will give them the best perspective, training, and test of leadership BEFORE they pin on their gold bars. In closing, I will give who ever is deciding( already forgot) two stories. My unit has a Capt.- Led the first thunder runs through Baghdad, took heavy fire on his M1A2, carried his unit through one of the toughest fights of the war, was just awarded the Silver Star- ROTC grad
My unit also has a Major- Special Force tabbed, Psy Ops, numerous ops he cannot speak about, Hardcore hombre who I saw ruck a 100 lb ALICE without breaking a sweat for a day, all around good leader- Academy grad.
The point is that they are both excellant leaders who have taken different paths, they both have done amazing things for the country. I would choose to be in the Academy grads place. What would you choose?