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Venezuela May Sell F-16's to Iran


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CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuela is considering selling its fleet of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to another country, perhaps Iran, in response to a U.S. ban on arms sales to President Hugo Chavez's government...

When the hell did we sell F-16s to these guys?


The better question would be, why does Venezuela need F-16's? The reason they are selling them is because our ban on arms sales restricts parts for the F-16. They can go ahead and sell them to Iran, look at how the F-14's we sold Iran turned out.


New Member
This brings up a good reason why when we start to sell F-35s we should be sure of who we are selling them to and try to restrict what happens to the technology. Self Destruct Mechanism?


World's greatest pilot and occasional hero
The Venezuelan F-16's will go into disrepair, just like Iran's F-14's did, as long as they are not being sent parts for them. Even the best tactical jets are somewhat maintainence intensive and need more than duct tape to fly, especially with the elite Venezuelan pilots at the controls bouncing landings. Chavez has a serious Napoleon complex and is just trying to see how far he can push things and when his mouth gets him in over his head, I don't think there will be to many countries willing to put their heads on the chopping block to help him.


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fighterpfeif said:
This brings up a good reason why when we start to sell F-35s we should be sure of who we are selling them to and try to restrict what happens to the technology. Self Destruct Mechanism?
How in the world are you planning on doing that? Crystal ball? In 15 years we could be vicious enemies with the UK - unlikely, but not impossible. This is the same thing that happened with Iran, also one of our staunchest allies in the cold war until '79. Like the old investment disclaimer states: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. That said, the notion that we should magically know who's going to be bad guys 10 years down the road is a bit naive.

As for self-destruction, you've been watching too many movies.



Is it baseball season yet?
Perhaps George W (Washington, that is :) was giving good advice when he told us not to enter into permanent alliances.

Just something to ponder. I mean, we've been dicked over many a times by our own arms sales (Current Taliban, Iran, I'm too tired to think of others at the moment)...

Who knows though...


New Member
A crystal ball would be nice.

Just a little concerning exporting stealth technology, the avionics, and the engines on the F-35. The real self destruct mechanism isn't a bomb, but the price tag.


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fighterpfeif said:
A crystal ball would be nice.

Just a little concerning exporting stealth technology, the avionics, and the engines on the F-35. The real self destruct mechanism isn't a bomb, but the price tag.
F-35 is not stealth. Apples and oranges. It has RCS reduction features but it is in no way a stealth jet like the B-2.


he will die without safety brief
Butbutbut this ad in Proceedings tells me it's the first all-aspect stealth aircraft for the Navy! :icon_roll


Super Moderator
TXHusker05 said:
The better question would be, why does Venezuela need F-16's? The reason they are selling them is because our ban on arms sales restricts parts for the F-16. They can go ahead and sell them to Iran, look at how the F-14's we sold Iran turned out.

Venezuela bought the F-16's in the '80's when they were our some of our staunchest allies in the region, and they had a lot of money from oil exports (still do obviously, ever heard of Citgo?). Much of their military has been trained by us, though Chavez is trying to weed them out. The Venezuelan Air Force was instrumental in the failure of Chavez's attempted coup in 1992.

Iran is still flying F-14's and will continue to do so after we retire them, not too bad for being cut off 26 or 27 years ago.......

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Flash said:
Venezuela bought the F-16's in the '80's when they were our some of our staunchest allies in the region, and they had a lot of money from oil exports (still do obviously, ever heard of Citgo?). Much of their military has been trained by us, though Chavez is trying to weed them out. The Venezuelan Air Force was instrumental in the failure of Chavez's attempted coup in 1992.

Iran is still flying F-14's and will continue to do so after we retire them, not too bad for being cut off 26 or 27 years ago.......

Yep... the Chinese or Russians will find a way to reverse engineer and supply parts... they did for the F-14, right?


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DanMav1156 said:
Perhaps George W (Washington, that is :) was giving good advice when he told us not to enter into permanent alliances.

Just something to ponder. I mean, we've been dicked over many a times by our own arms sales (Current Taliban, Iran, I'm too tired to think of others at the moment)...

Who knows though...

First of all... permanent alliances? Gee, should we dissolve the North Atlantic Treaty Organization... the very first "permanent alliance"? Or our treaties with South Korea and Japan, which contributed immesurably to their development as meaningful contributors to democratic society?

Can you explain how a Soviet client state in Iran since the 1950s would have been more beneficial to US security? Or how a Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s would have left us better off?

I've heard a lot of hysterical screaming since the 1980s that our sale of Stingers to the mean old Afghans would hurt the US (see the movie Navy SEALs). Seen any real-life repurcussions of our arms sales to Afghanistan? Any airliners shot down by FIM-92s? No? Gawsh, funny how those idiot liberals don't turn around and admit that Reagan did exactly the right thing...


he will die without safety brief
TurnandBurn55 said:
I've heard a lot of hysterical screaming since the 1980s that our sale of Stingers to the mean old Afghans would hurt the US (see the movie Navy SEALs). Seen any real-life repurcussions of our arms sales to Afghanistan? Any airliners shot down by FIM-92s? No? Gawsh, funny how those idiot liberals don't turn around and admit that Reagan did exactly the right thing...
Straw man.