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Venezuela May Sell F-16's to Iran


he will die without safety brief
TurnandBurn55 said:
I've heard a lot of hysterical screaming since the 1980s that our sale of Stingers to the mean old Afghans would hurt the US (see the movie Navy SEALs). Seen any real-life repurcussions of our arms sales to Afghanistan? Any airliners shot down by FIM-92s? No? Gawsh, funny how those idiot liberals don't turn around and admit that Reagan did exactly the right thing...
Who's screaming hysterically? You seem to be the one that brought it up, a la the "some people say" rhetorical device. Then you take your caricature of actual criticism and hold it up to ridicule. That's a straw man.


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Barnard1425 said:
I would also guess that the amazing success of F-16s in combat...
How many kills does the F-16 have under its belt (not including the Patriot battery in Iraq and the Canadian ground forces in the Stan)?

Barnard1425 said:
If it wasn't for this aspect I really don't see why Iran would have any interest in buying the F-16s. It might look cool politically (haha, we have your fighters!) but in the end they'd end up stuck with another maintenance turkey.
Concur. Why buy F-16s with no support when they can buy Russian or Chinese jets with a promise of logistics support and arguably superior upgrades (Python IV notwhithstanding)? As an aside, without getting into specifics, the Python IV ain't no AIM-9X. ;)



Is it baseball season yet?
TurnandBurn, I like Reagan, don't get me wrong. One of my favorite presidents, without a doubt. Nonetheless, I was just making a counterpoint. Like Brett said, who knows, maybe we will be at war in 15 years with some NATO allies? Sure we have to fight the battle we have today, but we can't stop thinking about tomorrow's battle either. We're a little short-sighted in this country.


Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
How many kills does the F-16 have under its belt (not including the Patriot battery in Iraq and the Canadian ground forces in the Stan)?


About 55 (claimed) from I can find on the net (jives with what I have heard before). The Israelis claim 46, 2 Mi-8Hip helos and 44 MiG-21/23's. There are about 7 US kills, about 2 Iraqi and 4 or 5 Serb. And 1 Dutch Serb MiG-29 kill during OAF.



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TXHusker05 said:
They can go ahead and sell them to Iran, look at how the F-14's we sold Iran turned out.

Looks like somebody needs to do a little more research :watching2


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bunk22 said:
Looks like somebody needs to do a little more research :watching2
Don't ever question Husker on his knowledges of the Middle East - he's an expert in that area.



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Flash said:
About 55 (claimed) from I can find on the net (jives with what I have heard before). The Israelis claim 46, 2 Mi-8Hip helos and 44 MiG-21/23's. There are about 7 US kills, about 2 Iraqi and 4 or 5 Serb. And 1 Dutch Serb MiG-29 kill during OAF.


Pakistan claims kills as well with the F-16. About a dozen or so with an admitted loss to some Russian and Indian aircraft. I think I read they lost one against an Indian Mirage 2000 (MIG?) and one to a Russian Mig-23.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Flash said:
About 55 (claimed) from I can find on the net (jives with what I have heard before). The Israelis claim 46, 2 Mi-8Hip helos and 44 MiG-21/23's. There are about 7 US kills, about 2 Iraqi and 4 or 5 Serb. And 1 Dutch Serb MiG-29 kill during OAF.


Good LORD . . . a fricking UAV maneuvering a MiG-21 into the ground on that list . . . how sad is that?


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Note to self . . . if you mort yourself the other team will find a way to count you as a kill . . .


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Flash said:
About 55 (claimed) from I can find on the net (jives with what I have heard before). The Israelis claim 46, 2 Mi-8Hip helos and 44 MiG-21/23's. There are about 7 US kills, about 2 Iraqi and 4 or 5 Serb. And 1 Dutch Serb MiG-29 kill during OAF.


...and there's Flash, bringing down the people's elbow from the top row.

You obviously can't predict the future, but to say that you can't make some effort to control technology exports is silly. Great Britain is not equivalent in stability to, say, Pakistan. You don't give the super-gucci gear to countries that may be different in a year, let alone 10. Still, you have to find a middle ground. It's only by reaching sufficient order quantities that weapons prices become reasonable. Having foreign orders brings our prices down.


Barnard1425 said:
a note at the bottom of the page reads "The Syrian MiG-21 tried to tip the UAV with it's wing but stalled out and crashed". Darwin award, anybody?
sounds like he was trying to emulate the brits in their meteors taking down buzz bombs.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Barnard1425 said:
"The Syrian MiG-21 tried to tip the UAV with it's wing but stalled out and crashed". Darwin award, anybody?

Dude, that's a legit tactic. I saw Harmon Rabb do that in a JAG episode.


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I can remember a picture of a Venezuelan T-2 Buckeye hanging in the Ready Room of VT-26 in Beeville. This was their primary attack aircraft. It was a neat pic, the T-2 was painted Camo and had its available armament displayed before it. One of our instructors was LtCol Chavez (hopefully, no relation) of the Venezuelan Air Force. We have had long standing ties with this country.

PU Grad

MAC flight user
fighterpfeif said:
A crystal ball would be nice.

Just a little concerning exporting stealth technology, the avionics, and the engines on the F-35. The real self destruct mechanism isn't a bomb, but the price tag.


The US planes are getting different avionics and radar capability than everyone else. Everyone else gets grouped into different categories. The categories would look something like this (I don't exactly remember the brackets):

Closest allies -
Next closest allies -
etc -
etc -

Quite a bit of the "stealth" aspect is in the radar. So the idea is that even if our JSF's would combating a JSF that we gave to someone else, we would still be able to see it before they see us. As you go down the categories the amount of margin between our systems and theirs increases.

The trick was building the weaker components in such a way that there is still a jump to our level of components. Basically, you can't just enter in a flaw, or they would just reverse engineer and fix the flaw. It has to be a separate design.

[/end threadjack]
