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Venezuela May Sell F-16's to Iran

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Frumby said:
I can remember a picture of a Venezuelan T-2 Buckeye hanging in the Ready Room of VT-26 in Beeville. This was their primary attack aircraft. It was a neat pic, the T-2 was painted Camo and had its available armament displayed before it. One of our instructors was LtCol Chavez (hopefully, no relation) of the Venezuelan Air Force. We have had long standing ties with this country.

Unfortunately the country has been hijacked by an egotistical socialist a$$hole.

What kind of armament did the Venezuelan T-2 carry?


Is it baseball season yet?
PropStop said:
Selling Iran F-16's is like giving a cave-man a Nintendo.

"Ah, and I don't have much of an appetite."


Super Moderator
bunk22 said:
Pakistan claims kills as well with the F-16. About a dozen or so with an admitted loss to some Russian and Indian aircraft. I think I read they lost one against an Indian Mirage 2000 (MIG?) and one to a Russian Mig-23.

Thanks for reminding me, I have seen the number 8 several times. The following page lists all claimed Pakistani kills, they say 11 F-16 kills are 'confirmed' http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_324.shtml . The Paki's have always overstated their kills.

Here is a lengthy description of the air war over Afghanistan in the 80's: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_337.shtml

So I guess the total is about 65 kills? But as A4s or many other old and bold fighter pilots would say "It is the pilot, not the plane....", though a good steed helps.....:D


Super Moderator
Barnard1425 said:
There's also an Apache taking out a civilian registered Cessna with a Hellfire... :eek:

Would love to see some footage of that.

That UAV kill came in 1981- I had no idea UAVs were being used in combat that early.

Edit: a note at the bottom of the page reads "The Syrian MiG-21 tried to tip the UAV with it's wing but stalled out and crashed". Darwin award, anybody?

The Israelis pioneered the use of UAV's in combat. After learning the bitter lessons from the Yom Kippur war in 1973 they utilized UAV's to search and find most of the Syrian defense positions in Lebanon in their 1982 invasion. They destroyed most of the SA-6 batteries that Syria had placed in the Bekaa Valley (17 of 19 the first day). The Syrians then sent in their Air Force and promptly got schwacked, losing about 65 aircraft in 2 days, 87 total in the next few weeks. That is where the bulk of F-16 kills happened and a good chunk of the F-15 kills too. Here is a pretty good article on it http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj89/hurley.html

Among the Israeli UAV's now flying (and being marketed all around the world):

Pioneer (flown by the Navy and Marines as the RQ-2)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Pioneer

Hunter (US Army RQ-5)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RQ-5_Hunter

Heron (one of the few equivalents of the Predator)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Heron

Harpy (Hunter-Killer Anti-Radar UAV, sold to China)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Harpy


Fly Navy said:
What kind of armament did the Venezuelan T-2 carry?
.50 BMG pods and 2.75 rocket pods .... it's a "pod" kinda thing ... :)

By the way ... some young skull full of cottage cheese said something about "elite" Venezuelan PILOT-O's "at the controls bouncing landings", ostensibly to the detriment of the Venezuelan F-16 .... and the general capability of their Fuerza Aeronatica ....

Ummmmmm ..... I don't think so ..... I flew with some of their boys --exchange duty --- and I don't mean the NEX --- and they were good; very capable, dedicated , serious aviators .. in fact, they wanted to be just like their big brothers in Norte America.

And they know how to make a mean "rum punch" .... and they know quality cigars. :icon_rast


Ex-Rhino driver
A4sForever said:
and they were good; very capable, dedicated , serious aviators .. in fact, they wanted to be just like their big brothers in Norte America.

Nothing like American bravado. :icon_mi_1


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
DanMav1156 said:
"Ah, and I don't have much of an appetite."

oh damn, didn't realize those guys were still around. I'll have to do some research next time.

I'll give myself negative points for that.


pilot_man said:
I was agreeing with you. We sometimes are a little too arrogant for our own good.
... I'm not so sure we do agree ... I think I worded it poorly. No problem-O.

I am never put off by braggadocio --- as long as the "braggart" CAN back it up. Conversely ... there's nothing more pathetic than a braggart who is a fool and/or a tool and/or a less than satisfactory pilot.

If you talk the talk AND can walk the walk ... you've got something. Especially when flying fighters --- always check your "6" !!! :eek: