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Voice from the past supports war in Iraq


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I never heard Kissinger advising against going to war. Am I wrong? As for those in the Poli Sci community, I said notable Americans. Poli Sci professors are generally a bunch of liberal doves to begin with. Further, there is no consequence to their stated positions at any given time. They don't get Americans killed, don't stand to lose their jobs and don't stand for re election. Easy to take a position with no consequence.


I'm a conservative (whatever that means), a hawk, a dog of war, a hard case, a believer in "power politics" and "gunboat diplomacy" .... I do not give a rip what others might "think" about the country or its conduct of A war .... any war. As long as we prevail ....

I'm starting to lose it with the conduct of the war in Iraq and the current administration's public portrayal of it .... I believe in killing lots of the enemy. But I do not subscribe to trying to curry favor with "them" (Muslims???) by taking a "minimalist" approach to war ..... where am I going wrong ???? :confused:


New Member
We already won the war...we are in the middle of an occupation...you want to occupy pissed off people, or friendly people?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
We already won the war...we are in the middle of an occupation...you want to occupy pissed off people, or friendly people?

We sure did a lot of things in the occupation of Germany and Japan that would of and should have pissed them off. Except, it was called an Iron Hand, and it worked. We EXECUTED resistence when they were caught. Why? Because it's a military occupation, you can DO that.

(Blah blah blah I know the situations are different, but there is SOMETHING to be learned here. We are fighting the terrorists by their OWN rules right now. You don't fight wars that way and win)

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Very different...there are no Occupations for Dummies books out there.

So go write one.

"Step 1) To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!"


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
I never heard Kissinger advising against going to war. Am I wrong? As for those in the Poli Sci community, I said notable Americans. Poli Sci professors are generally a bunch of liberal doves to begin with. Further, there is no consequence to their stated positions at any given time. They don't get Americans killed, don't stand to lose their jobs and don't stand for re election. Easy to take a position with no consequence.

Which is exactly what Kissinger is right now... a book-writer on 'why America can't go it alone blah blah blah' who lectures on the circuit tour. Thirty years ago he was a man of consequence whose decisions had consequence-- today, he's exactly what you describe. Yes, he supported the initial invasion of Iraq, but like many in the academic community, he attached poli-sci-professor caveats to his support to it (Peter Feaver comes to mind immediately as another conservative academic who held that point of view...)


We already won the war...we are in the middle of an occupation...you want to occupy pissed off people, or friendly people?
News flash for you --- it wasn't a "war" .... it was another drive-by shooting, like Gulf 1. If you think OIF was a "war" .... well, I don't know what to say ..... you're in for a surprise if you ever get into a real war against a determined enemy.

Occupation ??? Maybe --- a fine point --- we're not suppose to be "occupiers", right?? My point is we didn't kill enough of them during your "war" ... men, women, children, young and old --- a "real" war --- cities in ruins, lots of dead enemy.

I could care less whether or not we "piss" (your word) them off --- I just want to put enough fear into their bellicose, fanatical, senseless, quarrel-mongering hearts and mind in addition to those of their neighbors --- from Tel Aviv to Khartoum to Tripoli to Tehran --- so they will NEVER want to feel our wrath again --- I want to give them something to remember us by..... :)


Since when did war have to be so cut and dry? It seems that for the past couple of years we have been putting more and more restrictions on how we can and cannot fight a war, so as not to offend people. Excuse, but since when was armed combat supposed to be a walk in the park? The last time I checked the best way to win a war was to bring down as much death and destruction upon the enemy that they neither have the capability nor the will to fight any longer. I say kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out, but hey, that's probably not very PC. I'm gonna have to side with A4s on this one.

Just an observation from a kid who thinks the mechanics of war are fascinating, but is not yet in the business of waging it. Take it for what it's worth.


New Member
a4's, listen---you call it what you want...look at at goals---our goal isn't to bomb them into the stone age. It is to bring democracy, freedom, and stability. Killing every last Iraqi who harbors resentment to the occupation isn't going to do that. PCness isn't the issue here, common sense is. Talking pyscho talk about killing people we are suppossed to be helping does nothing for the situation.


a4's, listen---you call it what you want...look at at goals---our goal isn't to bomb them into the stone age. It is to bring democracy, freedom, and stability. Killing every last Iraqi who harbors resentment to the occupation isn't going to do that. PCness isn't the issue here, common sense is. Talking pyscho talk about killing people we are suppossed to be helping does nothing for the situation.
That's right --- it doesn't matter what you call it. "Psycho" has go nothing to do with it, Junior. It's killing people --- or getting killed in return. You can go "mushy" all you want with your "hearts & minds" B.S. --- but the bottom line is killing is still killing. We didn't do enough of it in Iraq.

You evidently don't know a hell of a lot about the subject. And that's O.K. ... let us hope you learn something about the mindset that is required before you are called upon to stand up and do it.

But don't try to tell me how to bring an enemy to his/her knees. You're not equipped mentally or emotionally to the task at this point in time --- hope you get better.


c'mon? you wanna compare equipment now?
Perhaps you feel the need .... but I really don't share your pain ..... :sleep_125

Some guys are slow learners. And some NEVER learn. I don't know which is the door you would pick .... soooooooooooooo ...... E.O.D. (i.e., end of discussion) .... Subject is closed with you, Junior.

I am "killing" it .....

ALOHA, A4s OUT. :)


New Member
ok, a4s...you know i respect you...i really do...i respect our differences...i hope you respect my opinion. when it comes to big picture stuff like how to win a war we should have differences of opinion, otherwise what kind of democracy would be?...thanks for entertaining my thoughts.