…so idiots not following well established procedures for safety are SpaceX’s fault? Makes total sense… or better yet, block off the entire airspace for a recovery operation. They made a cost-informed decision to operate at a range or facility safely. Sounds like PMRF couldn’t provide the necessary requirements for their operations.
Based on Brett’s post, PMRF did offer to provide the necessary services- SpaceX didn’t want to pay for appropriate range clearing efforts.
It’s not SpaceX’s fault that people violate (or just fail to read) NOTAMs and maritime alerts, but there is a level of due diligence that should be taken when you plan on something coming down in a particular area- particularly when operational history indicates someone will be there.
Being unwilling to take on that due diligence is absolutely their choice, and based on what I’ve seen, is true to SpaceX’s (and Elon’s) brand.
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