First of all, I am a civilian, not a Marine. So questioning "orders" when I'm not in the military chain of command is moot. Second, no one has the right to question my motivations for joining the USMC. They could be as simple as wanting adventure, like davidsin, or I could be a baby killer like O-Man. Or they could be more idealistic and personal motivations that aren't incompatible with my political beliefs.
What I have expressed here is my reservations as to why we are fighting in Iraq. I've made it clear there is misinformation coming from the Bush administration. I've not said one disparing thing about the military or the Marine Corps. I've also raised questions about American energy policy, our foreign policy, and our involvement in past wars. These issues aren't specific to this current President, to Republicans or to Democrats. So even if I were a Marine, raising questions about the absurdity of our energy policy, for example, (and our enoromous consumption of Middle East oil) doesn't come close to "questioning orders."
Making the leap that raising legit questions as a private citizen to willful disobedience of orders IF I'm a Marine is absurd.
PS -- O-Man, if you don't like my scent, close your damn mouth and you might not smell it. Don't make any assumptions about me, read my posts before you make anymore stupid comments.
"What would Jesus drive?"
Duh. A truck -- Jesus was a carpenter.