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We're Deadbeats!


Solidly part of the 42%.
According to the the Grand Poobah the the United Nations that is.

1) 22% of the budget comes from one member of your 192 member group. You don't make fun of them even when they do get a payment behind. What are you gonna do about it? Hold their feet to the fire? I don't think so.

2) We're allowed to spit on each others shoes. You are not.

3) What does a UN free US look like?

4) What does a UN free US military look like?

5) What does a US free UN look like?


According to the the Grand Poobah the the United Nations that is.

1) 22% of the budget comes from one member of your 192 member group. You don't make fun of them even when they do get a payment behind. What are you gonna do about it? Hold their feet to the fire? I don't think so.

2) We're allowed to spit on each others shoes. You are not.

3) What does a UN free US look like?

4) What does a UN free US military look like?

5) What does a US free UN look like?

I think the United States would be better off without the United Nations.

I don't believe the United Nations would be able to sustain itself without US support. It'd go the way of the League of Nations.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
The UN does exactly what the creators envisioned it to do: nothing. The whole charter is one big ponderous bureaucracy that will in no way be able to interfere in the machinations of the victorious powers of WW II.


Well-Known Member
If only those pesky other countries would figure that out and stop hassling all the cool countries (read: UNSC permanent members)

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I love how the UN has primarily become a forum for the pesky little countries to simultaneously rail against the Evil West (and/or just the US) and demand debt forgiveness and foreign aid. Sort of like going up to the hot, rich girl in high school and yelling "Hey, bitch! You suck! You're evil! Now loan me $100 and be my prom date!"


Former Rhino Bro
Where's this guy when you need him...



Well-Known Member
The forum it provides for discussions is better than not having anything at all. (Yes, I know how skewed it can be.) Not sure if that offsets the negatives, though, such as the legitimacy U.N. involvement provides to some definitely "are not worthy."


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Screw them. NTACs headquartered in our nation, using our money for 1/5 of their operating budget, and they have the audacity to call us deadbeats? That money we give them could build a lot of schools, feed a lot of homeless, or buy a lot of bullets and bombs for Uncle.

What about countries that owe loans/aid back, and can't afford to pay them...Is it ok for Uncle to call them deadbeats, or would that just be more yanqui imperialism?


Working Plan B
The UN does exactly what the creators envisioned it to do: nothing. The whole charter is one big ponderous bureaucracy that will in no way be able to interfere in the machinations of the victorious powers of WW II.

I've been told that many foreigners feel the UN is just a fig leaf for naked American power...

It bitches at us because we allow it to, and we could give a shit...


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
How is our "bill" calculated? By GDP? If by population, China and India should be on the hook for bigger shares. At the very least, I'd expect the other 4 permanent Security Council members to pay a lot more.


How is our "bill" calculated? By GDP? If by population, China and India should be on the hook for bigger shares. At the very least, I'd expect the other 4 permanent Security Council members to pay a lot more.

China needs to pay up. Huge population and a permanent member of the SC.


Super Moderator
How is our "bill" calculated? By GDP? If by population, China and India should be on the hook for bigger shares. At the very least, I'd expect the other 4 permanent Security Council members to pay a lot more.

Good question, I went looking and found that it is determined by mainly by a country's share of the world economy. There is a ceiling for the general UN budget of 22% contribution per country (applicable only to the US) and a minimum contribution of .001% for the poorest countries. The top 15 countries pay 84% of the budget. Some of the info is a bit out of date but it is the best I could find.





I was hoping for a State Department explantantion but could not find one.


Well-Known Member
IMHO, the UN is a handy distraction that gives the illusion that all the little guys have a valid way to bitch at us.

Otherwise, they'd be faced with the huge, terrifying truth that...they can't do anything.

I say we keep it. It gives them a good outlet and keeps them "off the streets".