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We're Deadbeats!


Solidly part of the 42%.
IMHO, the UN is a handy distraction that gives the illusion that all the little guys have a valid way to bitch at us.

Otherwise, they'd be faced with the huge, terrifying truth that...they can't do anything.

I say we keep it. It gives them a good outlet and keeps them "off the streets".

So $1,000,000,000/year + tons of wasted space on New York waterfront + self important douches running amok on our country's rep = COIN.

Got it. What ever happened to world peace?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Hell, I'm worried about our debts, and I don't even have a couple trillion in Treasuries.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Hell, I'm worried about our debts, and I don't even have a couple trillion in Treasuries.

Precisely. We sold our hamstring to people that don't see the world through the same lens as we do. Good call, guys!

I want a fiscally conservative leader to tell us how we are going to run a surplus; not how we are going to cut our deficit in half. That's like saying cutting our heroin habit by 50% is something to cheer about.

This isn't so much a swipe at President Obama, though I would like to hear what he's interested in chopping to get us back ont he right track, so much as it is at the RINOs who spent like libs and talked like Reaganites.


His blood smells like cologne.
I want a fiscally conservative leader to tell us how we are going to run a surplus; not how we are going to cut our deficit in half. That's like saying cutting our heroin habit by 50% is something to cheer about.

I think this is mostly accurate.

You want a fiscally conservative leader to tell you how we are going to run a surplus? You won't find a popular one, and i'll tell you why.

The fiscal problem with this nation can be summed up in precisely two words: dependancy programs. (medicare, medicaid, welfare, and SOCIAL SECURITY)

Ever see a porcupine quill? They are easy as hell to get in, but nearly impossible to get out thanks to reverse facing barbs; exactly like dependancy programs.

Liberal politicians (or those that push for dependancy programs) have an easy time doing so. They promise the world to people that are struggling or are in need (or hell, even promise the world to people that aren't in need). This makes them extremely popular. I like quotes. This one sums up my first point:

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. -- George Bernard Shaw

The problem is, that dependancy programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid DONT WORK. They will always have an exponentially increasing cost base, and a linearly increasing funding base (read: money out will eventually outpace money in). They have RUNAWAY cost structures.

By the time the fiscally conservative politician comes in with the balls to try and put an end to one of these unaffordable programs, it is too late; the program has too many dependants... Too many people are relying on it..

Social security is the third rail of politics, anyone that talks about a plan of 'doing away with it' becomes unpopular. Hence you always here about 'reform', (which wont do a damn thing).

Politicians that give away money or promise things will always be more popular than those that try to take it away.

It is an unfortunate truth that has remained constant throughout history...

A final, somewhat unrelated quote....

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. -- Thomas Jefferson


He bowls overhand.
This isn't so much a swipe at President Obama, though I would like to hear what he's interested in chopping to get us back ont he right track, so much as it is at the RINOs who spent like libs and talked like Reaganites.
Such as Reagan himself, who also happens to be the modern idol of almost all Republicans?


He bowls overhand.
By the time the fiscally conservative politician comes in with the balls to try and put an end to one of these unaffordable programs, it is too late; the program has too many dependants... Too many people are relying on it..
There are very few fiscally conservative politicians in the Federal Gov't. The "fiscal conservatives" who want to do away with social security are the same ones who would dramatically increase military spending in the next pen swipe. It's all part of the same federal government, and economically it's the same result.

The difference between a Democrat and a Republican is not if they want to spend more, it's where they want to spend it.

So...What's the solution?
Well, one solution is a reboot of Federal Gov't spending...get rid of social security and medicaire, size down the military considerably, and disband about 75% of these. Might not be a good solution, but it'd get the job done.


His blood smells like cologne.
What the hell, I'll take a poke at it.

Social Security:

America needs to fulfill it's obligation to it's older generations. These people paid into social security their whole lives, and retired while counting on it. I think it would be a mistake pulling the rug out from under them. This program won't go away without being 'unfair' to at least one generation. We need to draw a proverbial line in the sand, and say the social security checks stop at this age group, or this generation. Essentially, we'll be shredding the credit card and terminating the program, but fulfilling our debts to (most of) those that are counting on it.. We'll be paying social security taxes for some time yet to come, but at least this money hole will shrink and eventually disappear.


An essential program that is in dramatic need of reform. Lets start with one simple yet highly effective step: A high percentage of working, contributing Americans have to pass a urinalysis in order to CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY. It isn't too much to expect that if you need their money, you too should be subject to a urinalysis.

Many good, hard working Americans fall victim to poor economic times or unfortnuate circumstances, or are simply unable to provide for themselves and others; this should be the purpose of welfare; to serve as a springboard to help these people get a job and succeed, or provide for people that can't.

Let's say that every welfare reliant person in this country has exactly eight months (of continued welfare) to get (or stay) clean. After the eighth month, EVERY WELFARE DEPENDANT will be subject to a urinalysis every two months. They will be tested for controlled substances (Marijuana, Opiates, Methanphetomines(sp), etc). If you fail the test, you get a retest. If you fail the retest, no welfare check for you, period. Once you fail your retest, YOU HAVE TO PAY for a retest in the future after you get clean, of which you have to pass in order to receive welfare.

The welfare program will no longer be a contributor to this country's drug problem. The welfare program needs more reform than this, but this step will make it a drug free program and also will help decrease the cost of the program.