Finished this a little while ago. Dude comes off a little patronizing at times, but nonetheless an interesting read in what seems to be an era where science and academic scholarship is continually undermined. I'm presently in a country that doesn't have a word for "nerd" or "bookworm" and, while I generally find the natives to be dicks, they seem to value education and it's interesting to witness language and its effect on culture. Words mean things...
It's interesting that we seem to have forgotten the classical ideal . . .
mens sana in corpore sano. If you're a stereotypical nerd, you're missing the boat by neglecting the physical. If you're a stereotypical meathead, you're missing the boat by neglecting the mental. These things are not in conflict, but we act as if it's an either/or thing.
I agree that we're in an era of dangerous anti-intellectualism, though as Americans, we've always had a bit of an anti-intellectual bent. But I'd argue both sides are guilty. The Right is guilty of glorifying willful ignorance. Witness climate change denial and intelligent design. But the Left is also guilty of arrogance and condescension to the uneducated. "Poor benighted proles; we'll show you The Correct Opinions." Just because someone has a postgraduate degree in X, doesn't mean I should have to honor their ignorant dumbass opinion on Q. Equally, those in the working class are not necessarily stupid. Guess who you call when you need someone to redo the bathroom or frame a house? The skilled trades. Because they know their shit. I think the Germans have a better handle on that than we do, where being a tradesman is an honorable thing, not "oh, you couldn't get into college, huh?"