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What I've Learned in Flight Training

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Fly Navy said:
Hmm, well, I'll give it another shot, it was a few years ago and my beer tastes have much expanded. Maybe I'll like it now. Ever have Magic Hat #8? Vile.

Yeah, not a huge fan of the Magic Hat. If I'm drinking New England beers I like a harpoon, a smuttynose, or one of shipyard brewery's brews.

Sierra was my standby when I was living in CA and couldn't get Yuengling or Sweetwater.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
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Let me add that I've learned that sushi kicks a$$ and people down here will fry anything, which is not always a good thing.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Try Geary's as well. During winter they make a Hampshire Ale (still brewed in Maine).
The poster has"Brewed only while the Weather Sucks" You gotta go through a New England winter to appreciate it.


OH God .... how I HATE SQUID !!! Not Squids (sailors) , mind you ... just SQUID -- as in Calamari, etc., etc. Even WITH Aioli sauce ... !!!

Rather than eat SQUID --- I would rather get really, really drunk and eat a BALUT !!! Mmmmm.... yummy !!


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
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skidkid said:
Try Geary's as well. During winter they make a Hampshire Ale (still brewed in Maine).
The poster has"Brewed only while the Weather Sucks" You gotta go through a New England winter to appreciate it.

21 years of that bullsh!t. The weather is one reason I will never live there ever again.


Helo Bubba
What I learned in flight school. The only way to tolerate the south.... Maximize your time spent intoxicated.... speaking of which, 4 day weekend, time to hit the beach.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Oh, another thing I learned... the a$$holes everyone knows in training, the ones that are full of themselves, the ones no one likes... I've found they either attrite or do poorly. Poetic justice I guess.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
-He who has no friends has no gouge and will do poorly.
-People remember the @ssholes from flight school long after the fact and it doesnt work out too well for said named @sshole very often
-When they give you the look left and right one of you will be in a mishap speach they are not B*llsh!ting you!
-The biggest @sshole instructors were the weakest fleet pilots.
-Crosscountries are GOOD.
-Safety Standdowns suck BUT the night before a safety standdown rocks!
-Lots of people get married, very few wear wings, dont stay witha girl who doesnt support your dream.
-Oh and I learned some stuff about systems and numbers and procedures too.
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jboomer, skid is right, dets rule. I live for dets. I EXIST for dets. Once you hit the Fleet you'll feel the same, I assure you.


Well-Known Member
Well, since we are now talking "training-related" knowledge:

1. Don't ever try and figure out the Air Force. Just leave them be.
2. In the Navy, 0800 means 0815, not 0745.
3. The Navy civilian workday begins around 8-ish and ends precisely at 1529.
4. The phrase "Training Time Out" sounds silly.
5. Navy training commands actually provide commuting students with parking spots. What a concept.
6. PT can actually consist of fun sports (volleyball), not just mindless formation runs. (Well, I knew that from back in the *ahem* "Old Corps," but being in training commands for the past few years caused me to forget it.)
7. Classroom etiquitte - What is that again?
8. As a butterbar, never refer to an O-3 as "Sir" or "Ma'am." It is always "Hey L-T," or "Yo, Cap'n."
9. 11-year squids with wives and kids, trying to keep their NSS in the pilot range, make great study partners.
10. Yes, Virginia, you can stuff 55 officers into a room designed for 15.


Is it baseball season yet?
Again, I know I sound retarded, but what is a "det?" Anyways, keep this thread going, it's awesome to read all this stuff.

8. As a butterbar, never refer to an O-3 as "Sir" or "Ma'am." It is always "Hey L-T," or "Yo, Cap'n."

I love it! So good.


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Non Training things I learned:
-Wingings are an economical way to support my alcoholism whether I know the wingees or not.
-Your "game" may have stagnated from under use (Pcola is just so easy) once you get to SoCal and have to work for it and being a drunk loud flight student will no longer get you laid as often.
-Apparently Allah aint in Pcola beacuase there will almost always be a drunk Saudi arround somewhere.
-Dont go anywhere near the New Orleans PD's horses!
-If a girl knows more about flight school than you do and isnt a student you will wake up with her in the morning.
-As many times as they tell you to enjoy flight school and any pool time you wont believe how true it was until you get to the fleet.


Super *********
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skidkid said:
-People remember the @ssholes from flight school long after the fact and it doesnt work out too well for said named @sshole very often
-When they give you the look left and right one of you will be in a mishap speach they are not B*llsh!ting you!
-The biggest @sshole instructors were the weakest fleet pilots.

It's been 9 years since I earned my wings but these three items you mentioned really hold true. I would like to expound on the a-hole portion if I may; so here it goes:

*Warning* Sea Story--

I will never forget the jackass who screwed me in primary, at the very end. He truly caused me to slip in ranking and because of him I ended up with E-2/C-2. On a particular flight, he gave me grades that I absolutely did not deserve. Being that primary is so competitive, even a small slip up can cause one to fall in the rankings. Believe me, in retrospect, I'm glad things turned out the way they did but at the time, I was an angry dude. Later on down the road, this instructor comes to our squadron to fly C-12's as an IP (VRC-30 used to be the west coast RAG for C-12's; a true composite squadron) and low/behold we end up working in the same office. I confront the said ******* and he apologizes, saying he was often a dick just to be a dick :icon_roll Unbelievable. The best part though was the night I was SDO and had to go pick him up from a certain base for getting arrested because of a DUI. He had just gotten hired by an airline and had a month to go before getting out. Oh, it gets better. He absolutely had to have me take him to his vehicle to get all his personal belongings from his car. So I make the big mistake of letting him have his keys so that he can get his stuff. Instead, he jumps in the car and takes off :eek: The cops were watching, pulled him over, and again, within 4 hours, he is arrested for another DUI. I almost got in trouble as well (once again with this guy tried to screw me) but at least he acted like an adult and admitted to what he did. He later came to my house and apologized for what he did that night and what he did years before that in flight school. So I guess my point is what comes around goes around. Those *******s just may get what's coming to them in the end.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
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That's a good story Bunk, glad to see he got his in the end.

Anyone that is a dick just to be a dick has no right being an instructor. If you're being a dick for an educational purpose (and we all know there are plenty of opportunities for that and it's necessary) that's one thing, but to just be a dick because ... well for no good reason, you should just be fired.
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