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What I've Learned in Flight Training

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Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
det= Fleetspeak for detachment. Leave your homebase, with aircraft, and hopefully some cool buds (friends, not the Spicoli kind) to go to another base/airfield/location for some kind of event (training, airshow, exercise...). Get payed a daily allowance for living expenses (hotel and food, or stay cheap and forego food, now you have booze allowance). Brief, fly, debrief, party, repeat.

back on topic:

1. Don't drink 12 Icehouse longnecks the night before the API Inspection just because they are only 1 dollar.
2. If you do, and vomit during inspection, hold it in your mouth and swallow it back down. Prepare to receive emails reliving this for years to come (7 and counting)
3. Read the checklist. Even if solo. Shut down checklist is not the time to remember Auto-ignition after a PA Solo (...ahem...)
4. If your ready room is a Stalag (27), and you are not permitted to be reading anything but "professional material", a NY Times crossword puzzle or the skin mag
of your choice is easily concealed in an open NATOPS (but face the door).
5. While enjoying South Padre Spring Break, hide the fact that you are a flight student. I recommend "A&R for a major record label".
6. Barbacoa is not tejano for BBQ as most people know it. It is cow face meat steamed from the skull. No sh!t.
7. If you truly feel cheated by a Sim Instructor and he is a known dick, tell your On-Wing, odds are he can and will help.
8. That said, if one of the crusty sim guys starts regaling you with tales of the old days, sit back and enjoy, it will always benefit you in grades or beers to act interested.
9. If you have the next day off, do something fun. If you have a family, chill out and hang with them. If your "family" consists of other single boozehound JOs, GO OUT. This rule applies throughout the Fleet experience.
10. Screwdrivers are not a valid replacement for NyQuil.
11. Foreign students will invariably try to kill you at least once, if not repeatedly if you have to "buddy-solo" with them.
12. Always confirm the age of any hot chicks at a winging.


Helo Bubba
zab1001 said:
7. If you truly feel cheated by a Sim Instructor and he is a known dick, tell your On-Wing, odds are he can and will help.

12. Always confirm the age of any hot chicks at a winging.

7. Mostly true, unless said Crusty old man, unknown to your on-wing, is a higher ranking reserve officer who still wants to feel like he is in the fleet even though he has not been off NASCC for 15 yrs.

12. True for any function in a navy town, REGARDLESS if the establishment has some carding at the door. It still does not mean they are legal.


Well-Known Member
Barbacoa is freaking the best! The only place around here to find the good stuff is at the flea market in Foley.


Is it baseball season yet?
Zab, thanks for answering the question, and one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Good stuff man, keep it up.


Super Moderator
A-4's that brought back some good memories....Balut....friggin nastiest thing I've seen on earth so far. We smelled it several blocks away, several of my buds dove in but I couldn't (wasn't drunk enough I guess)......and that's about all I remember from PI.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
never said i didn't LIKE barbacoa, I just didn't find out what it really was until advanced. by that time, why stop eating it...I usually hit up Taqueria Jalisco on Everhart.


Well-Known Member
zab1001 said:
never said i didn't LIKE barbacoa, I just didn't find out what it really was until advanced. by that time, why stop eating it...I usually hit up Taqueria Jalisco on Everhart.

haha zab i said it with a smile on my face. not many people bring it up and when they find out what it is they usually are disgusted. but not me! i'm the opposite of Jules from Pulp Fiction..."if sewer rat tasted like pumpkin pie I WOULD eat it!"


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
oh I know. I just wanted the rest of these guys to realize it's very very edible. lime juice and cilantro.

here's some more thoughts on 'what i learn-ned"

- barnes and noble has the best ratio of quietness : good looking eye candy that is conducive to studying. Also holds true at pretty much any Navy town out there

- sleeping in the ready room, overnight, is frowned upon

- the "steel q-tip" test for "indiscretionary behavior" HURTS


Professional Michigan Hater
bch said:
7. Mostly true, unless said Crusty old man, unknown to your on-wing, is a higher ranking reserve officer who still wants to feel like he is in the fleet even though he has not been off NASCC for 15 yrs.

Good 'ole Ferenbacher(sp?) MR. "I'm in the middle of a mid life crisis and I 'm a dick so my wife left me and all I have left is the Navy, but I'm only a reservist and a goddamn sim instructor so I will SH!T down your throat if you say 'three down and locked' instead of FTI verbage 'Down and Locked' you nasty little Fuc#in ENS's"

GOD...I can not imagine how painful it was to fly with that man


damn homeowners' associations
Pcola04/30 said:
Good 'ole Ferenbacher(sp?) MR. "I'm in the middle of a mid life crisis and I 'm a dick so my wife left me and all I have left is the Navy, but I'm only a reservist and a goddamn sim instructor so I will SH!T down your throat if you say 'three down and locked' instead of FTI verbage 'Down and Locked' you nasty little Fuc#in ENS's"

GOD...I can not imagine how painful it was to fly with that man

Thank God I haven't had him yet, but I've heard the stories.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Skid, Kbay, Zab, and Bunk, thanks guys, some seriously funny ****, and I needed a good laugh tonight, beers on me at the club.


Well-Known Member
webmaster said:
Skid, Kbay, Zab, and Bunk, thanks guys, some seriously funny ****, and I needed a good laugh tonight, beers on me at the club.

Thanks, master, but can I just have the money instead?

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member

Baluts, the nastiest food in the PI. The funniest thing was getting the new guy to choke one down.

Smiles - now that is a PI memory! :D
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