Alright guys I got to ask what my chances are of getting Pilot or NFO. I'm absolutely okay with either, dad was an NFO on P-8s.
I currently hold a 2.7 GPA at Auburn university and graduate with an Aviation management degree, BS, also got my private pilot license at Auburn University with 120ish hours of flight time.
My ASTB is as follows, 54 6,6,6 and got my letters of recommendations from O6 and O5s. Also got my officer interviews done by O5s and O6 pilots and NFOs. Established a wrestling club at auburn university, being the Vice President of the club for 2 years. A couple of serving jobs throughout college to help pay for it etc.
Just want to know your guys thoughts on me getting accepted for either Pilot or NFO, my recruiter says ill get immediately selected for NFO, but after reading some of these posts, my hope has steadied. Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys!