New Member
You are correct, I am being paranoid for no reason. I will try at least once with these scoresI used the Kyle and Gomez drive that I found here and followed information that I found on Reddit from people that got really high scores.
ASTB Prep App and using the jantzen ASTB simulator with a X52 Hotas that I bought used on Ebay. 3 months of day-in/day-out practice. I went into my third try very confident I would do well. I also did a ridiculous amount of Terrain ID/UAV questions on the ASTB Prep app.
I would try submitting with your current scores, they're pretty good, if you get denied then consider a retake. Depending on if this was your first or second try. Your major, GPA, and ASTB scores are pretty solid I feel like you have a very good shot at getting picked up. Personally, I wouldn't advise taking the ASTB again and risking a lower score (I like to play it safe). If you took it again and scored lower, it would only make you go "what-if" if you just submitted with your current score. Take it again if you don't get picked up with your current package.