Waking up at 0445 was by far the suckiest part of the day, sitting there lying in bed waiting for the shit storm that was about to begin. Especially when your in one of the "special" classes that gets sent back to squad bay and hear the door open in pitch black and know that it is to close to 0500 to be any candidate, which only leaves person it could be.
Best advice for anybody going to OCS, is get a sense of humor. You'll only remember the good....well the times that you had there. Laugh at yourself, laugh at your friends, it will keep you sane.
0445, thats nothing. Enlisted boot campers get up at 0400 everyday. And considering I start work at 0400 now as a civilian and have to get up at 0300, I should be fine when it comes to getting up early am in OCS .