Regardless, he has the right attitude. I'm psyched about going too. :jump_125:
I actually just heard that I FINALLY got funding to get to the Nuke VIP trip next week, so my application can move forward.
I'm psyched about becoming an officer, too. But psyched about doing squat-thrusts in the snow because my classmate's buttons were not perfectly aligned with his zipper for the 5th time? Not so much.
It's really easy to say "aw, that ain't so bad" when you're watching Full-Metal Jacket or that cheesy OCS video they show you at the recruiting station (the DI in that video is much less intimidating than R. Lee Ermey). I'd imagine that it's much different when you're actually there, and the DIs have no problems giving you endless punishment if you so much as think about breaking the 1,000 yard (or mile whatever) stare.