Well-Known Member
It’s complicated. Most guys on disassociated tours do not fly. The ship’s CO, XO and other ship’s company aviators do fly on occasion, but it’s more of a novelty for them, as they probably aren’t fully qualified and certainly not tactically proficient. Even a SWO CSG Admiral will fly with all the squadrons in the CVW that aren’t single seat. Think of it as an opportunity for them to get a better understanding of what their CVW is capable of, while connecting with the squadrons and showing an interest in what they all do.
One of the CO's I worked for told me that with all the duties of a CO it is difficult to keep up with all the requirements to be fully qualified, one told me he had planned to keep up his quals but it just didn't work out.
I guess there have been CO's that were able to maintain fully qualified status from what he said, their CVN command was probably SD or Norfolk as opposed to NW where resources are limited.