Not really a motivating speech, but here is some food for thought.....I started API in spring of '08, and a little over 3 years later, last week, I took off in a single seat grey jet on a radar-trail departure through about 10k ft of IMC, joined, transited out 150 miles east, did a 2v1 DACT BFM hop with my lead against an F-5E, knocked it off, flew 150+ miles home, and back home shot a PAR to OPNAV mins with a heavy crosswind in driving rain. That flight pretty much tied everything I have learned together into a 1.5 of flight time (with the exception of the boat and in flight refueling), and that was literally only a couple short years after I started. Pretty impressive when you sit back and think how much this business crams into your brain in such a short time, and just how much responsibility is placed on you in the same amount of years. Get ready my STA-21/SNA/SNFO friends, this will be you in a couple very short years!
Hah, someone "liked" so just looked at this again. 8+ years later, I still remember that exact flight. Nothing has changed. Come get it cones