Interesting article, thanks for shraring.
To meet the currently anemic "manning" levels???.... Women have never played a bigger role in the Navy... They .... have babies....
Don't talk to me about "quality over quantity" ... 'cause very soon we're going to have neither; we'll just have a broken military. Somehow those lousy ol' draftee forces did just fine in the past, politics aside. Why, they actually won a couple of wars ....
. . . . . we're "going" to have ??? I think we have already arrived.
Who's whining??? You're getting worse, not better with age.Please don't tell me you two are serious.........:icon_roll.....Just ask the Israeli's and their draftees how they did in last year's war against a dedicated volunteer force. ....
Please don't tell me you two are serious.........:icon_roll
As for an all draftee force, it ain't going to happen anytime soon so why whine about it? Also, with today's increasingly complex weapon's systems and the training needed to utilize them, we need smart and dedicated voluteers willing to put years in to learn those weapon systems. Just ask the Israeli's and their draftees how they did in last year's war against a dedicated volunteer force.
Simple fact, we need the women in the military it or not. And I would much prefer them than a draftee who is angry at the world and the military. The policy ain't going to change, no matter how much you whine. Would you like some cheese?
I doubt you ever served with draftee's. Some/MANY of them did damn good work once and if they adjusted to military life. They COULD (and were) have been successful business owners, private pilots, electronics technicians and college grads. The draft board didn't go along skid row and say "him, him, him and him." Most everybody was eligible, even Elvis.Ministers if I recall correctly and some others were exempt.
Take your wave who often CANNOT do the job and I'll take my chances with an angry draftee who in most cases adapted. He had a choice, shit however high ordered or go to the brig.
Simple fact, we need the women in the military it or not. And I would much prefer them than a draftee who is angry at the world and the military. The policy ain't going to change, no matter how much you whine. Would you like some cheese?
One thing to consider: the OP asked when it would be best to have a child (training command, shore, etc). Many of you have stated your dislike of women who get pregnant while on sea/shore duty and leave behind their workload for everyone else. So what you should be telling her is to go ahead and have her kid now or in the training pipeline. Why? Because it doesn't impact you. She's only shooting herself in the foot, not everyone else around her. If she has a kid now, there is no slack for anyone else to pick up and a job doesn't go undone.
You're not wrong ... it's just that some herein are as obsessed as the rest of our "kinder, gentler Navy" with their touchy-feely PC vision of a perfect, far-far away, Alice-in-Wonderland, doesn't-exist-in-this-or-any-other-life .... Navy .... and it doesn't exist in society at large, either..... The Navy is obsessed with matching the cultural and ethnic makeup of its forces with that of American society. .... Where am I wrong ???
One thing to consider: the OP asked when it would be best to have a child (training command, shore, etc). Many of you have stated your dislike of women who get pregnant while on sea/shore duty and leave behind their workload for everyone else. So what you should be telling her is to go ahead and have her kid now or in the training pipeline. Why? Because it doesn't impact you. She's only shooting herself in the foot, not everyone else around her. If she has a kid now, there is no slack for anyone else to pick up and a job doesn't go undone.