So from what you are saying women shouldn't be in the work force but rather at home taking care of their kids. Are you telling me that if I want to have kids I should just give up and have my husband support me? Then if that's the case, if I want a career I should commit genetic suicide and never have kids? Oh yeah, does this mean that father's aren't as committed to their children as mother's are?
The reason you are getting a lot of visceral reactions from guys here is that many of us have had personal experinces of women using their gender as an unfair advantage in the military. This is definitely not the case for all women, many are very sharp. But it sometimes happens that a woman finds herself in a tight spot and instead of taking their licks they pull the gender card and get away with something.
When you talk about having kids now many guys have visions of you sniveling a lot more, asking to be excused from many things and having your colleagues pick up the slack. You may have seen this in your time as a sailor, but it is especially resented in aviation since it is so much more demanding than many professions in the Navy, probably the most demanding since women are excluded from the SEALs and subs.
My advice, if you want to have kids and fly do it on your first shore tour. At that point, it will have a minimal impact on your career, especially if you are not in a flying billet. After that though, you or your husband will have to make the big sacrifice and probably put your career on hold for a while. And the Navy really doesn't let you do that. Tough choice, and you might not have to face it after a while, but one that would come sooner or later.