Slight thread jack - what are everyone's thoughts on retiring/living overseas? One of my HSL HACs lives with his wife in Italy and they love it. I believe his last AD job was in Naples and then he took a GS job. When the Zombies are unleashed, wondering if living on a Norwegian Fjord or a Ted Kaczynski cabin in Northern Canada might be worth considering . . .
Based on the amount of retirees bumming around southern Germany, retiring here doesn’t seem like a terrible option. Most seem to have gone from active duty to a contractor or GS job on one of the staffs and then retired out of that.
I think you’d have to consider your tolerance for dealing with foreign bureaucracy, especially if you don’t speak the language. I speak German and it can still be a pain working through dealings with local government. I have no concept for the tax considerations if I retired here, but I assume it would be painful.
I’d also think about how important it is to you to be able to access military healthcare/base amenities. That’s definitely easier in Italy and Germany, not so much on your Norwegian fjord.