Max, are you in Ukraine? I ask because your profile says Belarus. If in Ukraine, good luck!
A pogram here, a pogram there….Russians want de-Nazi-fication of Ukraine. Anti-Nazi war, so to speak. Heard that? Well, little fact: I'm a Jew. A fact slightly bigger: President Zelenskiy is Jew.
I told you: it is very, very bad situation in Russia with history as such.
Our antipathy is mutual? What have I done to deserve this?? I’m not sure I understand your question.Brett, all our mutual antipathy aside - what do you think about nuke threshold for now?
I have no idea, but I do know they have certain red lines (as does the US), and I'm confident that those in the Kremlin and WH both understand what those close Russians are to a real nuke war start, in your opinion?
Interesting that those scholars with a solid grounding in history seem to have been more accurate than other analysts who were more focused on government, ie Zeihan was closer to the mark than Kori Schake, Niall Ferguson closer than Ian Bremmer.Absent Superpower: Chapter 6 pretty much sums it up. I think Russia will have its hands full with conventional or insurgent forces (if it comes to that). If they attack an Article 5 country then shit will hit the fan Desert Storm style.
I don’t think he does. This whole thing is fairly similar to the Russia-Georgia conflict from 2008, just on a grander scale. I think that one was what, two weeks long and then a ceasefire was brokered?). I really do think he was overestimating Russian capabilities and and was hoping for a fast finish.This tricky motherfucker has something else in the sleeve.
2 things that I am watching concerning solidarity from the Western allies:If they attack an Article 5 country then shit will hit the fan Desert Storm style.
Article dated yesterday. Today I heard reports that Turkey had closed the Bosphorus to the Russians.2 things that I am watching concerning solidarity from the Western allies:
1). Energy flows from Russia to Germany, Hungary and a few other nations that are extremely dependent on Russia
2). Will Turkey close the Bosphorus Strait into the Black Sea?
Turkey says cannot stop Russian warships accessing Black Sea
Ukraine has appealed to Turkey to block Russian warships from passing through straits which lead to the Black
Turkey says cannot stop Russian warships accessing Black Sea
Ukraine has appealed to Turkey to block Russian warships from passing through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits which lead to the Black Sea.