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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Hey guys, I just finished up my first attempt at the ASTB. I am going for SNA, could yall tell me if I am competitive or not? My recruiter thinks I am but I am not overly thrilled with my scores. I scored a 5/8/6 on the ASTB. Im really happy with that 8, but not with that 5.

I have a 3.4 GPA and my pilots license.


ɥo ɥ∩
Hey guys, I just finished up my first attempt at the ASTB. I am going for SNA, could yall tell me if I am competitive or not? My recruiter thinks I am but I am not overly thrilled with my scores. I scored a 5/8/6 on the ASTB. Im really happy with that 8, but not with that 5.

I have a 3.4 GPA and my pilots license.
Ideally you want all 7s minimum, but I'm guessing your gpa and pilot's license are more than enough to compensate.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just finished up my first attempt at the ASTB. I am going for SNA, could yall tell me if I am competitive or not? My recruiter thinks I am but I am not overly thrilled with my scores. I scored a 5/8/6 on the ASTB. Im really happy with that 8, but not with that 5.

I have a 3.4 GPA and my pilots license.
Odd variety of scores but great PFAR!


Well-Known Member
Any tips for terrain identification? I got good on the app, until I realized I was using the ‘easy mode’ and not the compass row as shown on the test. My progress hasn’t gone out the window or anything, but I went from consistently getting 18-19/20 to 13-14/20


ɥo ɥ∩
Any tips for terrain identification? I got good on the app, until I realized I was using the ‘easy mode’ and not the compass row as shown on the test. My progress hasn’t gone out the window or anything, but I went from consistently getting 18-19/20 to 13-14/20
Only trick I've been able to figure out so far is making a really clean 12 point compass (to include midways) and using a straight edge instead of the standard hastily eyeballed plus sign on scratch paper. (You are given 2 pencils for the test, so you could one of these for the straight edge)

Then it's just a matter of finding the best straight feature on the aerial for reference.
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Well-Known Member
Only trick I've been able to figure out so far is making a really clean 8 point compass (to include midways) and using a straight edge instead of the standard hastily eyeballed plus sign on scratch paper. (You are given 2 pencils for the test, so you could one of these for the straight edge)

Then it's just a matter of finding the best straight feature on the aerial for reference.
Thank you. Will try this.


Prior-Enlisted SNFO
Just finished taking my ASTB for the first time with a 7/8/7. The HOTAS portions made me feel like I did absolutely horrible, so don't get discouraged by that portion. Thank you to all of you on here for your tips and tricks, and especially thank you to those that made/updated the ASTB study guide! Now all that is left is getting everything put together before the deadline...good luck everybody!


Well-Known Member
Just finished taking my ASTB for the first time with a 7/8/7. The HOTAS portions made me feel like I did absolutely horrible, so don't get discouraged by that portion. Thank you to all of you on here for your tips and tricks, and especially thank you to those that made/updated the ASTB study guide! Now all that is left is getting everything put together before the deadline...good luck everybody!
Congrats on the great scores. I have my first attempt coming up and I have been tweaking over the HOTAS sections as I absolutely suck at the practice version so this is good to know, thanks.
Been lurking around AirWarriors prior to taking the ASTB-E, but I just took my exam and wanted to post about my scores, experience, and some questions that I was given on the test (that I can remember)! A huge thank you to all the folks that posted on this thread sample questions, tips, and encouragement; it was very helpful for me!

Score: OAR 67, 9/9/8 LCAC Psychomotor Standard Score 51 (anyone know what this last score means?)

Used all the material on the Kyle and Gomez Google drives; would highly recommend! Barron's Military Flight aptitude book, Peterson book, SAT math and physics sample questions, AFOQT and ASTB flashcards (since the AFOQT has a lot of similar material). Gleim's Private Pilot book, and loads of Khan academy math exercises.
Used the YouTube channels: Organic Chemistry Tutor, Kieno Thomas, ASVAB Tutoring, Grammar Hero, and Colfax Math.

Also used the awesome Simulator from Jantzenx along with the HOTAS x52 stick and throttle set (bought used) on my Linux Mint OS using AntiMicroX without any issues. This simulation set up was almost identical to the actual test so I felt very comfortable during this section. I got the settings for mapping the keys to the controller from an AirWarriors thread.

For the Terrain Identification, I used a compass rose and tried to find a straight line pointing north on the reference map, then rotated it to match 'North' on the right hand map and whatever direction was facing upwards, would be the answer.

Here's a short video I made on this. There's likely a better way but I am able to get all the answers right with this method!

Link to all the questions I can remember:
Questions I saw on the test
Flashcards (folder on Quizlet if anyone would like to use it)

Hope this can be helpful to some folks out there! Good luck to everyone! :)


Well-Known Member
Been lurking around AirWarriors prior to taking the ASTB-E, but I just took my exam and wanted to post about my scores, experience, and some questions that I was given on the test (that I can remember)! A huge thank you to all the folks that posted on this thread sample questions, tips, and encouragement; it was very helpful for me!

Score: OAR 67, 9/9/8 LCAC Psychomotor Standard Score 51 (anyone know what this last score means?)

Used all the material on the Kyle and Gomez Google drives; would highly recommend! Barron's Military Flight aptitude book, Peterson book, SAT math and physics sample questions, AFOQT and ASTB flashcards (since the AFOQT has a lot of similar material). Gleim's Private Pilot book, and loads of Khan academy math exercises.
Used the YouTube channels: Organic Chemistry Tutor, Kieno Thomas, ASVAB Tutoring, Grammar Hero, and Colfax Math.

Also used the awesome Simulator from Jantzenx along with the HOTAS x52 stick and throttle set (bought used) on my Linux Mint OS using AntiMicroX without any issues. This simulation set up was almost identical to the actual test so I felt very comfortable during this section. I got the settings for mapping the keys to the controller from an AirWarriors thread.

For the Terrain Identification, I used a compass rose and tried to find a straight line pointing north on the reference map, then rotated it to match 'North' on the right hand map and whatever direction was facing upwards, would be the answer.

Here's a short video I made on this. There's likely a better way but I am able to get all the answers right with this method!

Link to all the questions I can remember:
Questions I saw on the test
Flashcards (folder on Quizlet if anyone would like to use it)

Hope this can be helpful to some folks out there! Good luck to everyone! :)
If you don't need any waivers and have a qualifying GPA you should be an immediate selection once you submit.


first test 68 7 5 6 53, (pre-airwarriors)
second test 72 8 8 8 67, (post-airwarriors)
I got all of my materials from this thread, I want to thank everyone here for supplying such great support, advice, and recourses.
Of course I'll be here to help, but my answer to any question is no greater than the posts made here that helped me.

Next up a lot of forms and documents, as well as maxing out my PFT.


SUPPO Applicant

I took my first OAR today this morning. I studied for the exam little over a month since I graduated from school a long time ago.

I've got a 57. I am going for SUPPO (Supply).

I utilized Kyle's Drive (refer to the post #9,583), ASVAB Study Guide (McGraw-Hill) 5th Edition, and reading reddit posts, specifically


I am a prior year servicemember and I am looking forward to the next chapter of my life.

Good luck everyone!


New Member
Submitting my I-Sel package starting tomorrow as today is my last day of active duty. Anyone here that has gone through that process recently and can expand on the process itself/timing? My rec said he’s submitting my medical portion tomorrow and the rest of my package after hearing back about that but from previous posts I’ve heard it’s usually 2-3 weeks from submission to recieving a class date. Wondering if that 2-3 weeks was inclusive of the time waiting for medical to come back. Anything helps and thank you! @exNavyOffRec (I know you have had a lot of good info in the past and maybe on this too?)