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  1. W

    Contemplating navy pilot

    Hello air warriors forum. I am 29 years old and I am currently enlisted in the US Coast Guard and I work and fly on the MH60. I have a bachelors degree and I have been applying to Coast Guard OCS to no avail (there is no flight contract guaranteed and has been difficult to get in). There are...
  2. U

    USMC ECP Aviation

    Hello all, I’m currently a Sgt (about to pick up SSgt) applying for ECP on the board in June. I’ve taken and passed the ASTB and am in the process of getting NAMI approval, nothing crazy yet. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on the USMC ECP SNA contract. I understand you have to sign a...
  3. 0

    IWC Boards

    I've seen spreadsheets for Aviation and SWO for applicants to put their stats. Does anyone know if someone has made one for IWC?
  4. 0

    FREE 6-Week Navy PFT Fitness Improvement Plan!

    Whether you are preparing to enlist, commission, or are already serving, this easy-to-use spreadsheet is designed to improve your PFT scores. For any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please use the “FEEDBACK” tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. 6 WEEK FITNESS IMPROVEMENT PLAN
  5. A

    What are my odds of getting an SNA slot and what is selection like (OCS)?

    Hello All I've got some questions about the pilot selection board. I'm a 2nd-year student (junior by credits) at Embry-Riddle, majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a GPA of 3.8. I've never taken the real ASTB but I've taken a few practice tests. I'm generally pretty good at tests (I got 1530...
  6. 0

    Eligibility Requirements for Becoming a Naval Officer

    Program Authorizations Eligibility for specific designators, such as Surface Warfare Officer (SWO), Information Professional (IP), and Medical, is often questioned. The Program Authorizations page on My Navy HR is an excellent resource for determining whether you meet the necessary...
  7. A

    OCS Which one is better for a lateral transfer to MCWO? CWO or IPO?

    I recently received a call from my recruiter informing me that I’ve been accepted as both a Cryptologic Warfare Officer (CWO) and an Information Professional Officer (IPO). Originally, I chose CWO as my first option because I wanted to pursue cyber missions. However, since CWO will no longer be...
  8. A

    What are my chances of getting selected for SNA

    Hello everyone I just took the ASTB today. Here is the score breakdown: OAR: 66 AQR: 8 PFAR:6 FOFAR: 7 My GPA is 3.95 (Computer Science) I will be applying for the next available board (which will be sometime next year) I wanted to ask about the competitiveness of my application. Should I...
  9. E

    OAR/ASTB while deployed

    I am currently underway and wanted to inquire about possibly taking my OAR while deployed. Is there A List of Overseas locations could review to see if there a option. I know my ship allows for ASVABs to be retaken but I wanted to ask about the OAR. I take to my CCC but haven't heard back just yet.
  10. I

    OCS SNA I-SEL chances (but I'm a dual-citizen)

    Howdy all! First of all I'll start off by saying that I have been lurking on this website for a while and have learned so much from all of the various postings here, it really is an honor to be able to engage in a place with such deep-rooted experience and knowledge. And being able to read...
  11. J

    OCS Intel Selection Board Closed

    Hi everyone, loooong time lurker but first time poster here I'm applying for Intel through OCS and planned on doing the January 2025 board. Yesterday when I finished my OAR my recruiter told me that they'd closed out all intel slots until FY2026 so my board won't be happening in January...
  12. B

    Aviation or NUPOC?

    I am currently in my junior year of college, studying chemical engineering with a 3.82 GPA. I've recently passed a pre-screening process for NUPOC with interest in SWO, SUBs, and Naval Reactors Engineer (not interested in instructor positions). However, I have also become interested in...
  13. dominicdecoco


    Getting this thread started for those heading to OCS Jan 26th. Congrats to all who have been selected!
  14. P

    03SEP2024 SWO BOARD

    Made a new thread as I wasn't able to make the header changes on the old thread 02AUG2024 SWO BOARD This SWO Board begins AUGUST 2, 2024 and convenes SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 - as informed by most of our OR's. Looking forward to sharing what you all have! Cheers and good luck to every applicant!
  15. P

    02AUG24 SWO Board

    Not sure if it is too early to start a thread but this was the most recent date given to me by my OR. Looking forward to sharing what y'all have! Cheers and good luck to every applicant!
  16. B

    OCS 11AUG24

    Hope I'm posting this right, I'm a SNA with a Aug 11th class date. Anyone else on here going to that class? Trying to get the ball rolling on potential room mates in Pensacola and meet some of my classmates.
  17. P

    Overcoming ADHD diagnosis for OCS lower gpa

    Hello everyone I am a mechanical engineering student in my senior year expected grad gpa: 2.9 did poor early on but doing really well now turned around scoring As in advanced level engineering courses I see on here that a lot of people have been able to accommodate for a lower gpa by doing...
  18. M

    Surgery AFTER MEPS

    I completed MEPS and passed everything, including my vision test. After MEPS, I submitted documents for pterygium surgery I had for both of my eyes five years ago, and I am now waiting for the waiver to be approved. I'm pursuing a position as an SWO/NFO, and the board won't convene until July...
  19. P

    Officer Program Recommendations

    Recently looking into applying as a Officer in the Navy. I've been in communication with an officer recruiter. Here's the details: Age: 30 OAR: 42 02/20/2024 Degree: Bachelors of Science, Business Management (07/18/2023) - WGU, GPA: GPA was told to follow GPA from AA Degree which is 3.57 -...
  20. ethanr8

    OCS Apply to OCS Before Graduation, Enlisted in CG

    Hey guys, first time posting here. Really liking this forum so far, it’s super helpful. Don’t think this has been asked before on airwarriors: can you apply to Navy OCS before college graduation if you’re currently enlisted in another branch? I’m active duty USCG looking to go SWO, and I’d...
  21. Edge47

    Need help with info for AD Army to Navy branch transfer

    I was selected for the 5 Feb ocs date to be an sna. I’m currently active duty army and have my signed conditional release by an O6. But between my recruiter, officer processor and army hr techs. No one has an answer for what needs to happen for me to get out processed from the army to report to...
  22. G

    OCS 1820 Application questions

    I'm applying for the 1820 Information Professional program and would appreciate your insights. I'm currently an ITS2 and have been refining my qualifications to increase my chances of selection. I have three Letters of Recommendation from O-5 officers and will soon graduate with a Bachelor's in...
  23. johnnie254

    Where to start? For (SWO-) IP

    Currently enlisted here. So I've decided to start my package for OCS. Ultimately I'm aiming to being an IP officer, but due to my less-than-stellar GPA, I'm okay with going the SWO-IP route. I know that getting the important documents for ones package is a marathon in and of itself, but the...
  24. johnnie254

    A "good" OAR score for IP (IW)

    Hey all, I'm currently enlisted and starting my package for becoming an IP officer. I know that one of the things needed for the package is an OAR test score, but prior to me enlisting I wasn't the best student and graduated with a less-than-stellar GPA. Given the level in the IW community...
  25. cxhlxn

    Path to Flying

    Hey all, I'm new on this forum as I am expanding my reach for information regarding my current aim in my career. I am seeking advice that current and retired service members have regarding the following situation. For starters I will give my background, then where I am trying to go and lastly...
  26. Average Monke

    OCS 03Nov2023 SNA/SNFO Board

  27. ElJefe392

    OAR exam sign-ups

    Hey everyone, I cannot believe I haven't heard of this website before. I'm really looking forward to utilizing the help and insight offered here from all of your experience. In the moment I am trying to find out how to sign up to take the OAR. From what I've read online, you have the option to...
  28. Pauulinaaa

    Should I take Calculus?

    Hello this is my first time posting so I apologize if this is the wrong thread. So currently I am in my first year at a college with no nrotc so right now my plan is to apply to ocs when the time comes. Some officer recruiters came to our school and recommended that I take calculus and I was...
  29. P

    OCS 2022 OCR + Appendix B/C

    Does anybody have a PDF of the current OCR dated 14 JUL 2022? Specifically Appendix B and C. I've seen them floating around but haven't been able to get my hands on one with my recruiter away on break (as he should be). It should be OTCNINST 1530.6M Also out of curiosity, does anyone know why...
  30. D

    16APR2023 OCS Class

    Hey everyone just started this post to connect with those that are going at the same time!
  31. W

    Need clarification on OCS medical physicals

    So you arrive at OCS and you do a medical exam. And then you do an exam with NAMI right after that. However, then you arrive in Pensacola, wait around for NIFE, THEN you do another exam with NAMI with another chance to potentially DQ? So you could wait around for a year to start flight school...
  32. R

    Marine Corps NFO??

    Hey guys, I recently got my duty orders for NAMI, and I have a quick question. The document says, "I fully acknowledge my duties as a Naval Flight Officer Candidate in the Marine Officer Program.". I am planning on commissioning as an SNA, not NFO. I thought the NFO role in the Marine Corps had...
  33. S

    Starting a career in naval aviation. (Help)

    Hello, I am a current prospective pilot who is hoping to fly for the Navy. I have been researching and I have found no clear answer between finishing college and obtaining a commission through OCS, or going into NROTC. I have finished my freshman year of college this past spring which makes me...
  34. E

    Any advice for a late bloomer?

    I am 28 years old. Got my life together a little late. Worked in the construction field for about 10 years out of high school. Recently went back to community college and got my AA. Just finished my BA in History with a 3.74. Accepted a funded position at the same school for a MA in History...
  35. D

    29AUG2022 SWO BOARD

    Greetings AWs, This will be my first time applying for OCS. I thought a thread for the August board would be helpful to start for those interested. AD: AWR1 / E-6 TIS: 9 years (waiver) OAR: 45 AGE: 33 (waiver) PRGM APPLYING FOR: SWO only UNDERGRAD: BS in Sociology, GPA 2.98 (Graduated in 2011...
  36. O

    Switching branches before OCS

    Hello, I am currently a rising senior in college, and have been accepted to Navy OCS as a swo select. I have started work recently with a Marine infantry officer who explained the Marine Corps and the mission to me and I am considering pursuing a commission to the USMC after college, despite my...
  37. A

    OCS Past-life cumulative GPA

    Long story short, I wasn't prepared for college when I was young and did magnificently poorly, like a 1.something GPA over 48 attempted credits poorly. A decade later I figured my life out, did some NCPACE course, had some JST courses accepted, and am graduating with a 3.93 GPA from Penn State...
  38. W

    OCS How much do foreign contacts effect chances of becoming a student naval aviator?

    This is my first time posting here so forgive me if this isn't the right place to ask. My best friend and roommate is from Nigeria, my parents grew up in Afghanistan, I still have family there like uncles and my grandma that I am still occasionally in contact with. My grandpa was a jet pilot in...
  39. O

    Can you switch SWO to SNA?

    Can you redesignate from SWO to SNA at navy OCS? Additionally, If I am already selected for SWO OCS June 2023, can I switch to SNA or reapply without giving up my class spot? Thanks all info is helpful.
  40. O

    Best Ships and Homeports for OCS SWO??

    Hello all, I have been selected to attend Navy OCS as a SWO after my upcoming graduation from college and I would like to know more about what ship is best for getting SWO pinned early, best experience as far as cool missions, duties, port calls and travel? Also, which homeports have the best...
  41. Highlander51

    MECEP SNA: The Good and the Bad

    If you are a prospective MECEP or currently on the program I'm writing this to help inform you of the process and of the decisions I made along the way that contributed greatly to getting my commission and my air contract. The MECEP Application Process: This process was a gut punch for me in a...
  42. brentstjac

    How would you evaluate my application/scores?

    I’m planning on applying for an aviation designation with an undergraduate degree in history from the University of Connecticut (3.4 GPA). I’m currently a paid firefighter and have volunteer experience and a range of extracurriculars and athletics. My ASTB scores are 65, 7, 5, 7. I’m aware that...
  43. Jreed

    Reapplying to OCS

    Hey guys and gals. Have a situation and some questions so I’ll just throw it out there, last year I was accepted into OCS and got a pilots spot, went to OCS in November of 2021. Ended up DORing, had some problems being away from family and my girlfriend and my pet and it was a bit too much...
  44. WannaFlyHigh

    16 October 2022 OCS Class (05-23)

    Didn’t see a thread for this class so made one.
  45. S

    OCS Board Selection Process

    This being my first post, I wanted to introduce myself. M25 - OAR: 43 Goal: NAVY SWO Community Bachelors Degree: 3.67 GPA Field: Sports Medicine 3 Letter of Recommendation: Navy Ret. Capt. Ret. Lt. Col - Army Ret. Lt. Col - Army 3 Character Reference: Employer Professor Chief Medical...
  46. O

    OCS [M -24] B.S. - Mechanical Engineering w/ E.I.T.

    So currently I am really considering a swap over to the military side and developing my career. To preface my experience and what my strong suits are I'd like to point out that I do not like design work (CAD / AutoDesk, Revit); I like to do technical related tasks such as the theoretical...
  47. C

    14 August 2022 OCS Class

    Hey everyone, I didn’t see an existing thread so I figured I’d start one for this class. Looking forward to seeing who else is going! I’m going for the CEC.
  48. Zequa

    Any news on the 239/240 preselect board?

    Haven't heard much at all about air contract selects, specifically from the west region. Wondering if anyone out there was selected? Some fishy things happened in my case, so just trying to gather info and get answers or find out if there were even air slots on this board for the west coast...
  49. C

    Enlisted to OCS applicant help

    I was hoping someone can help me with some information in order to begin my process. I am an AD2 and I am looking to put in for AMDO. I will be finishing my degree in 6 months in Aeronautical Science and I want to have my package put together and hopefully start my boards by the time I am done...
  50. T

    Need Some Guidance with this package

    Hello all, I'm an active duty E6 Intel guy applying for 1-Intel, 2-SWO, 3-IP. I started working on my application back in July and have sort of just been fumbling my way through this process. I recently found out about this site but there's so much here, it's kinda difficult keeping up...