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01AUG2022 SNA/SNFO Board


Well-Known Member
I've been medically qualified but this scares me. I 100% would take another designator offered to me though.
Sometimes things happen, even strange things happen. I had a person I sent to OCS and had a reaction to something he ate at OCS, never had an issue with that food before but it was determined to be a food allergy and that resulted in him being DQ'd for nuke and redesignating.

You just do what you can do to set yourself up for success and hope for the best.


It depends on what the issue is, but you will get an opportunity to choose another job, if you don't like what is available then you can go home.
So basically if someone has to redesignate from SNA, there is no guarantee that they could go NFO even if medically qualified? Is there a certain job that people get redesignated to most of the time?


Well-Known Member
So basically if someone has to redesignate from SNA, there is no guarantee that they could go NFO even if medically qualified? Is there a certain job that people get redesignated to most of the time?
The only time I have seen a person get DQ from SNA and be able to go SNFO is for vision being bad, otherwise if it is something that DQ's you for SNA it will probably DQ you from SNFO.

SWO is probably the most common, but it all depends why a person was DQ.


Well-Known Member
So basically if someone has to redesignate from SNA, there is no guarantee that they could go NFO even if medically qualified? Is there a certain job that people get redesignated to most of the time?
Most SNA DQs are the result of eyes.
As a result, most people who DQ from SNA are offered to redes to SNFO.


Does anyone have any intel on when boards generally close the application window? I am currently scheduled to retake the ASTB in mid-May and I want to make sure I can submit.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any intel on when boards generally close the application window? I am currently scheduled to retake the ASTB in mid-May and I want to make sure I can submit.
There is when the deadline is and when they close it because they have enough applicants, those are sometimes not the same and when they have enough applicants only NRC knows, so worry about what you need to do and not about what you can't control.


New Member
Hi all, hope you're having a nice evening. I'm hoping for some other opinions regarding my current situation.

I'm pretty happy with how my package is coming together so far, but I'm unsure of how to feel about my ASTB score. My current score is a 69 8/5/7. My recruiter is pushing me to apply with this score, but based on what I've been reading here I get the sense the 5 is really going to hamper my chances, so I'm deliberating retaking. What would you guys advise?

Additional background is Aerospace Engineering major with ~3.5 GPA, and a little flight experience. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, hope you're having a nice evening. I'm hoping for some other opinions regarding my current situation.

I'm pretty happy with how my package is coming together so far, but I'm unsure of how to feel about my ASTB score. My current score is a 69 8/5/7. My recruiter is pushing me to apply with this score, but based on what I've been reading here I get the sense the 5 is really going to hamper my chances, so I'm deliberating retaking. What would you guys advise?

Additional background is Aerospace Engineering major with ~3.5 GPA, and a little flight experience. Thanks!
Spend the time to study and retake, odds are a 5 isn't going to get you anywhere, and if you follow your recruiters advice by the time the board results come out and then you get a chance to retake you could be applying about this time next year.
Hi all, hope you're having a nice evening. I'm hoping for some other opinions regarding my current situation.

I'm pretty happy with how my package is coming together so far, but I'm unsure of how to feel about my ASTB score. My current score is a 69 8/5/7. My recruiter is pushing me to apply with this score, but based on what I've been reading here I get the sense the 5 is really going to hamper my chances, so I'm deliberating retaking. What would you guys advise?

Additional background is Aerospace Engineering major with ~3.5 GPA, and a little flight experience. Thanks!
Why do you think you got a 5 pfar? Is it something you can easily improve? I would retake.


New Member
Why do you think you got a 5 pfar? Is it something you can easily improve? I would retake.
I missed about 5 on the UAV section, so I know that hurt me, and I think I could have done better on the ANIT part. I'm thinking I can definitely study to fix the ANIT issue at least.
I missed about 5 on the UAV section, so I know that hurt me, and I think I could have done better on the ANIT part. I'm thinking I can definitely study to fix the ANIT issue at least.
I think you did great on the Anit since you got an 8 aqr. I believe Anit and math play heavily into that score.
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I think my math section is carrying the rest of my scores lol, I don't think I got any wrong on that one.
That's possible. I believe I didn't miss any math questions either and we have about the same oar and aqr scores. You do have an unusual score distribution. Are you only trying for SNA? I bet you pick up NFO with those scores.