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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


Well-Known Member
the AW spreadsheet is not the full list of applicants, at board list on page 26 shows like 230. In comparison, AW spreadsheet has around 70 entries. Also probably can't project the same acceptance rate on AW list to the list as a whole.
And this is just me kind of spit balling here....is just a theory I have....but I believe that people that take the time to come into this community has a better chance, just out of the fact that there's so much help provided here regarding the ASTB and paperwork and what not....for instance, I found here all of the flashcard decks, and advice for the UAV portion, among other things that most definitely helped me with the ASTB, also, some members here were ones to tell me how to access some stuff from when I was in active duty, that not even my recruiter knew how to access and this allowed me to submit my packet on time.....so...yeah perhaps the real acceptance rate is lower, but regardless of that I believe people that take the time to come here, overall have a better chance of making it.......my 0.02 $


Well-Known Member
And this is just me kind of spit balling here....is just a theory I have....but I believe that people that take the time to come into this community has a better chance, just out of the fact that there's so much help provided here regarding the ASTB and paperwork and what not....for instance, I found here all of the flashcard decks, and advice for the UAV portion, among other things that most definitely helped me with the ASTB, also, some members here were ones to tell me how to access some stuff from when I was in active duty, that not even my recruiter knew how to access and this allowed me to submit my packet on time.....so...yeah perhaps the real acceptance rate is lower, but regardless of that I believe people that take the time to come here, overall have a better chance of making it.......my 0.02 $
agree 100%, so wouldn't be surprised if AW list due to its self-selecting nature has a far higher acceptance rate vs the general pop.


Any active duty folks check their bupers? If so what does it say?
Update on my situation, my command was notified that I was recommended. My bupers says there is another vote or that it is not final? Does this make sense to anyone else?

Can do

Active Member
To all, regardless of PROREC - Y or N, my offer still stands on running advice or anything to help you with your times. For you PROREC Y peeps, if you're worried about that initial 1.5 mile time, just hit me up. I'll help you out!

Help! all the weight lifting and football made me short and stocky, now I'm trying stay slim and lanky lol, I'll pm you.


Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, when I would drive home when I was Airforce I would do this anytime I got pulled over in any small town. Works every time.
It worked for me several times, when I was recruiting enlisted I was pulled over when I first started, the guy let me off and later showed up in my office, he would stop and hang out at our office and say hi frequently, I think he was prior AF

Then there are guys like the one that pulled me over for not coming to a complete stop, he came back with a ticket and I made a comment that I kind of hoping for a warning, he said if he takes the time to pull someone over he always gives a ticket, to me that seems like a guy on a power trip.


Active Member
Any active duty folks check their bupers? If so what does it say?
Update on my situation, my command was notified that I was recommended. My bupers says there is another vote or that it is not final? Does this make sense to anyone else?
Mine has the same thing. It has to do with being cleared medically. The aviation selection board was just pilots and NFOs recommending us for the aviation pipeline, but CNRC Officer accessions has the final decision. Medical plays a part too, but since you have a flight physical and have been cleared by NAMI in the past, that shouldn’t be a problem.


Mine has the same thing. It has to do with being cleared medically. The aviation selection board was just pilots and NFOs recommending us for the aviation pipeline, but CNRC Officer accessions has the final decision. Medical plays a part too, but since you have a flight physical and have been cleared by NAMI in the past, that shouldn’t be a problem.
Hopefully that’s the case, thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
Ladies and gents, I officially got my orders to report to Newport next Saturday to quarantine for the Jan 3 class! For everyone else who’s age critical, just hang in there — it’ll work out.

You’ll probably graduate before many of us even head to OCS. Please don’t forget us when you’re all commissioned and stuff; post back to let us know how COVID is affecting everything!