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OCS 02Nov20 SNA/SNFO (Pilot/NFO) Board


In addition to the Appendix Bravo flash cards I made, I have also made Appendix Charlie and Delta flash cards. The reliability of information for what is in those two chapters is not super solid but this is the best I could come up with. Good luck studying!
Appendix Bravo: https://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-bravo-11797800
Appendix Charlie: http://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-charlie-11847753
Appendix Delta: https://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-delta-11848154
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing that with us all. ??


New Member
Any updates, ProRec-Y/N and SNA or NFO?

@kdriscoll714 @Jake1021 @Genghis95 @davidz @ccanche @jayyl3 @ijimenez8 @Mando16 @Lee0445 @shaky126 @xcrunner18 @Can do @andoesph @Elbandito @myanr @jpham89 @Triumph_MAC

None... My recruiter told me a few weeks ago that I have an OCS date (8/15) but hasn't informed me of my designation in the last few days. Any chance someone could check for me?

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
In addition to the Appendix Bravo flash cards I made, I have also made Appendix Charlie and Delta flash cards. The reliability of information for what is in those two chapters is not super solid but this is the best I could come up with. Good luck studying!
Appendix Bravo: https://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-bravo-11797800
Appendix Charlie: http://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-charlie-11847753
Appendix Delta: https://www.cram.com/flashcards/appendix-delta-11848154
Thinking I'm done with college courses and looking at all of this now...


I know it's worth it, time to buckle up and get to work.


Well-Known Member
None... My recruiter told me a few weeks ago that I have an OCS date (8/15) but hasn't informed me of my designation in the last few days. Any chance someone could check for me?
None... My recruiter told me a few weeks ago that I have an OCS date (8/15) but hasn't informed me of my designation in the last few days. Any chance someone could check for me?
send me your name


Well-Known Member
I have felt that way for a very long time unfortunately. That is what made me look the navy in the first place, completely unsatisfied with my current job. Honestly I was hoping to ship sooner because I really don't want to be there, but as I said last year, one more year won't kill me...
SAME! I almost submitted a packet a 2 years ago or so when I was graduating college, but decided to take a job since the money was much better. For the past year now, I have come to realize there is so much more to life than money. I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to serve my country and do something not many people get to do in the process.


Hey gents, this thread is way too deep to burry through. Anyone have eyes on the selection list, or class date list. I was originally told by cnrc and my chain of command that my package would not make board due to timelines. How ever, yesterday I received a call from same chain of command commending me for my selection. Any Links, screenshots, or PMs would be great.


Well-Known Member
Hey gents, this thread is way too deep to burry through. Anyone have eyes on the selection list, or class date list. I was originally told by cnrc and my chain of command that my package would not make board due to timelines. How ever, yesterday I received a call from same chain of command commending me for my selection. Any Links, screenshots, or PMs would be great.
look at page 26 for the at board list


Hello, I just found this forum yesterday and am wondering where all the AD guys command's are getting pro rec information from. I asked my command today, they checked BOL and said the results weren't out yet.


Well-Known Member
From my OR, “To reiterate from our conversation, we are not awaiting final selection, you ARE selected. We are awaiting final documents. They are just referred to as final selection documents.”

So it sounds like the FINSEL process has already been completed for our group?