I was an NFO select and am currently at OCS. Got med DQed for an eye condition and trying to fight it. From what I’ve seen, aviation selects are dropping like flys for medical stuff. I don’t know what the normal amount is for a class but every aviation guy is waiting to hear back on something and student pool has over 100 aviators just waiting right now. We are being told that everything is super backed up. There are guys that have to wait until next May for medical appointments to get cleared. So if you get here be prepared to wait a few months in student pool and think about now if you would consider redesignating. Command is pushing hard to have people redes. Also, jobs like intel are filled up until next fiscal year so your redes options are probably SWO or supply. I strongly recommend that you expect to need a wavier for something and ask yourself if you want to just fly or be a navy officer.
Also, Could be bad gouge but I have heard rumors allegedly from the XO that they are shortening the program to 10 weeks next year for what that’s worth.