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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


New Member
what are you applying for
My recruiter felt SWO would be my best option, She is also having me go for warfare intel I believe and my third is NFO. I had wanted to go into Public Affairs, as my degree would be best used there, but getting into that community I hear is extremely hard because spots never open? What about you? I am leaning towards SWO, because I am doubtful I will be chosen for NFO.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
My recruiter felt SWO would be my best option, She is also having me go for warfare intel I believe and my third is NFO. I had wanted to go into Public Affairs, as my degree would be best used there, but getting into that community I hear is extremely hard because spots never open? What about you? I am leaning towards SWO, because I am doubtful I will be chosen for NFO.
SNA, SNFO, SWO. But no preferences really I would gladly accept any as I want to serve as an Officer first. When are you applying? This your second or third retake?


New Member
SNA, SNFO, SWO. But no preferences really I would gladly accept any as I want to serve as an Officer first. When are you applying? This your second or third retake?
This is my third retake, which is why I am really stressed about it. I am applying this June, July and September. I hope to be accepted in June so I can start already. I agree, I honestly will take anything.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
ya same lol. read this entire forum. there are questions from the exam on here. I dont agree with it but cant help what people post.


Well-Known Member
My recruiter felt SWO would be my best option, She is also having me go for warfare intel I believe and my third is NFO. I had wanted to go into Public Affairs, as my degree would be best used there, but getting into that community I hear is extremely hard because spots never open? What about you? I am leaning towards SWO, because I am doubtful I will be chosen for NFO.

SWO is your best option, considering what you have mentioned I am thinking you don't have a tech degree or have not taking Calculus or Physics? which IW considers a significant negative factor, PAO has been tagged with active duty applicants only and before they did that 95% of those selected were AD anyway.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
SWO is your best option, considering what you have mentioned I am thinking you don't have a tech degree or have not taking Calculus or Physics? which IW considers a significant negative factor, PAO has been tagged with active duty applicants only and before they did that 95% of those selected were AD anyway.
What are your personal thoughts on me? 7/7/6 61 3.2-3.3 Animal Science/Pre Veterinary focus. Actually was accepted into Veterinary School but declined to join the Navy. As far as LOR's I am sending out DD370's to all employers in last three years unless they are no longer there then I character references from coaches, professors (also an employer so he was a 2 for 1) and a veterinarian that knew me personally. As for my motivational statement my recruiter said it was very strong (mainly went into why I want to become a Naval Officer and accomplishments. Did not mention aviation, NFO or SWO rather kept focus on being a Naval Officer.) MEPS went good just have to go back for a psych consult everything else I passed. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
What are your personal thoughts on me? 7/7/6 61 3.2-3.3 Animal Science/Pre Veterinary focus. Actually was accepted into Veterinary School but declined to join the Navy. As far as LOR's I am sending out DD370's to all employers in last three years unless they are no longer there then I character references from coaches, professors (also an employer so he was a 2 for 1) and a veterinarian that knew me personally. As for my motivational statement my recruiter said it was very strong (mainly went into why I want to become a Naval Officer and accomplishments. Did not mention aviation, NFO or SWO rather kept focus on being a Naval Officer.) MEPS went good just have to go back for a psych consult everything else I passed. Thanks.

Looks good, I would say you have a decent shot on the board side, the psych consult is the wild card, it really comes down to what it is for and how the psych doc views it.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Looks good, I would say you have a decent shot on the board side, the psych consult is the wild card, it really comes down to what it is for and how the psych doc views it.

Psych consult was just because I got let go from a few jobs (studying for a final while employed at a bar, my timecard while working part time was unintentionally off but no bad blood as my professor still wrote me an amazing reference and from abercrombie and fitch back in 2007). They just want to make sure I can hold a job (held a full time job with benefits since Aug 2012 and always held a part time job through out college).


Well-Known Member
Psych consult was just because I got let go from a few jobs (studying for a final while employed at a bar, my timecard while working part time was unintentionally off but no bad blood as my professor still wrote me an amazing reference and from abercrombie and fitch back in 2007). They just want to make sure I can hold a job (held a full time job with benefits since Aug 2012 and always held a part time job through out college).

I don't think that would be an issue.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
I don't think that would be an issue.

Ya I haven't been to worried about it cause it wasn't for tardiness or embezzlement. Just sucks cause I live 80 miles from MEPS in Spokane, WA so it's another trip and overnight stay. But I have it on May 1, 2013 then afterwards we'll get my entire package submitted (kinda crossing my fingers there isn't a rolling board until after my package is submitted). Thank you for your time and kind words.


Long time forum creeper, first time posting. I've been working on my ASTB studies for going on 8 months. My first round was a 4/4/4 46; second round was a 5/6/5 51; now I'm going for my third and final run at it this Friday (it's been 4 months since my second score). I pushed forward with my second ASTB score and sent my file to the board and I was a non-select for Intel. I discovered this website AFTER I took the ASTB on the second go around. I feel soooooooooo much more confident now after cascading myself in 88 pages of ASTB posts, related websites, the gouges, and all the study guides posted by badass folks on these forums. I will pay it forward after I complete the test on Friday and post up anything else I can think of to help others like how you all helped me. This forum and all the material have been a Godsend to me.

My 'I love yo faces' rant aside, I was curious if someone can explain P-factor and gyroscopic precession in short and sweet terms instead of from wikipedia and youtube videos.

I realize now that being told 5/5/5 48 will be good, was the same as saying, "Yeah kid, go for those C's. B's and A's are just dumb...". I'm a recent graduate for my undergrad with a 4.0GPA in computer security systems. I think if I can get my scores in the field of 8/8/8 60+ I'll have a much more competitive shot at Intel or Information Warfare. Anyone else going for the Intel Board for Sept 2013?




Well-Known Member
Long time forum creeper, first time posting. I've been working on my ASTB studies for going on 8 months. My first round was a 4/4/4 46; second round was a 5/6/5 51; now I'm going for my third and final run at it this Friday (it's been 4 months since my second score). I pushed forward with my second ASTB score and sent my file to the board and I was a non-select for Intel. I discovered this website AFTER I took the ASTB on the second go around. I feel soooooooooo much more confident now after cascading myself in 88 pages of ASTB posts, related websites, the gouges, and all the study guides posted by badass folks on these forums. I will pay it forward after I complete the test on Friday and post up anything else I can think of to help others like how you all helped me. This forum and all the material have been a Godsend to me.

My 'I love yo faces' rant aside, I was curious if someone can explain P-factor and gyroscopic precession in short and sweet terms instead of from wikipedia and youtube videos.

I realize now that being told 5/5/5 48 will be good, was the same as saying, "Yeah kid, go for those C's. B's and A's are just dumb...". I'm a recent graduate for my undergrad with a 4.0GPA in computer security systems. I think if I can get my scores in the field of 8/8/8 60+ I'll have a much more competitive shot at Intel or Information Warfare. Anyone else going for the Intel Board for Sept 2013?



Why are you taking the full ASTB for non aviation designators? Did you degree include calculus and physics?