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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


I have read and been informed that it would behoove me to take the full ASTB over just the OAR. My degree actually included math only up to pre-calc and I took a few physics classes to fill my elective slots.


Well-Known Member
I have read and been informed that it would behoove me to take the full ASTB over just the OAR. My degree actually included math only up to pre-calc and I took a few physics classes to fill my elective slots.

actually it doesn't do any good but cause you to spend more time taking the test, not a single person I had picked up took the entire ASTB, they however did have calc and calc based physics, or were prior enlisted in a "CT" rate with a "tech light" degree.

The board for IW list not having calc and calc based physics as a "significant negative factor"


Really appreciate the info-dump on IW. I have no enlisted background; just going for OCS directly. I felt my file to the board was very strong (excluding my scores, which I now know were sub-par). I want to take this test again so badly. Months of prep for 2 hours of my time :confused:


Well-Known Member
Really appreciate the info-dump on IW. I have no enlisted background; just going for OCS directly. I felt my file to the board was very strong (excluding my scores, which I now know were sub-par). I want to take this test again so badly. Months of prep for 2 hours of my time :confused:

are you under the max age for SWO? generally people have a better shot of winning some money on the lottery then getting picked up Intel, one board was about 1% selection rate, the past board was a bit better. If you really want to be an officer go for something that gives you the best shot at getting picked up.


I'm 25. I was debating between putting down SWO or SPECWAR for my tertiary choice for MOS's. Since the Board convenes in Sept, I have plenty of time to decide on my choices for my career path in the Navy. I'm just trying to worry about the test and this Friday. Once I find out my grade(s) on the ASTB, then I'll take the next step. I want Intel, but as you stated, I need to consider taking the path that leads to, "...the best shot of getting picked up".


New Member
Just took the ASTB yesterday. 7/7/7 61. Didn't study a whole lot.

The mechanical comprehension strained me, forgot alot of my common sense engineering knowledge. Spatial apperception was the most challenging for me, because the questions were significantly different than the practice tests.

I finally have access to atrickpay's Study Guide. Gonna see how I do in 30 days

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Just took the ASTB yesterday. 7/7/7 61. Didn't study a whole lot.

The mechanical comprehension strained me, forgot alot of my common sense engineering knowledge. Spatial apperception was the most challenging for me, because the questions were significantly different than the practice tests.

I finally have access to atrickpay's Study Guide. Gonna see how I do in 30 days

Um your going to retake the exam? What form did you have?


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
I'm just worried because I'm such a slow reader and my vocabulary isn't that great at times.?
Well, reading your post... your basic English (clarity, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, etc.) seem fine, so for starters, you have that going for you!:)


New Member
Good luck. Those are already strong scores. You understand a retake replaces your current scores regardless if improved or not.
Thanks man. That's what my recruiter told me. I realize becoming a SNA is a competition and if I want to be considered among the best, I have to have the best scores.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. That's what my recruiter told me. I realize becoming a SNA is a competition and if I want to be considered among the best, I have to have the best scores.

I would have never told one of my applicants to retake that had 7's, I would tell them to apply first and see what happens.