Hi! Can you please post what you did and what resources you used to improve your scores between attempts? Any help is much appreciated!
Sorry I meant to post and just haven’t got around to it.
Looking at gouges will never do you any good IMO. Unless you’re apart if the 2% with photographic memory. I used the gouges to build a baseline.
With that baseline I wrote down on a separate piece of paper the different topics I found: Logs, properties of exponents, radicals, DRT…. Then I would pick one category a day and find YouTube videos, Google PDF worksheet Algebra II/College Algebra Properties of exponents. I would do at least 50 practice problems then go back to that sheet and write the date down I studied that category so I could organize and keep track of what I studied.
It’s all about practice and BEING ORGANIZED. Write the categories down and write the date next to each category everytime you studied the topic.
I focused on what I could take directly from the passage. If the answer included something not in the passage it can’t be right.
This is how I felt I improved the most. My questions were getting very difficult but I studied the same for this. Took the gouges wrote down the topics:
-Linear velocity 6/10, 6/13
-pulleys 6/4
-potential energy 6/5,6/7
- etc
YouTube, and google pdf worksheets on the topics
I used Quizlet ANIT ASTB, and I also come from an aviation background so that helped as well.
PBM: it’s all eye hand coordination trick your mind into thinking your hand is connected to your eyes wherever your eyes move your hand moves! UAV don’t be too quick I was going so fast under 1.0 seconds the questions were loading on top of each other… got 2 wrong avg 1.2 sec
In summary:
Practice and organize. Don’t spend your time trying to memorize each question someone has posted on here. You won’t see them or you’ll see 1 maybe 2. I’ve taken the test 3 times each time it was different. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. Also practice DIFFICULT questions not easy questions so when you get to the test it feels easier!