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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Crusty Shellback
So, I'm a senior History Major at the University of Michigan. I just took the test and got 7/7/7 and a 63 OAR. Im not really sure how that stacks up (OK, good, really good?) Can anyone help me out

It's a good score. The test just measures aptitude and the likelihood of you finishing flight school successfully and not attriting. However, your whole package is what defines you, some weigh heavier than others like your GPA and ASTB but focus on everything. Guys with 8's and 9's have been non-selected while guys with 4's and 5's have been accepted. A score can't really tell you where you stack up, if you're curious just go to all the previous month's selection boards for the last year or so and look at what got picked up and what didn't. You can kind of see where you compare to those guys/gals.


New Member
Hey everyone. This is my story....I applied for the Navy and a commission in march of 2009. I scored a 43 overall and don't remember my OAR. I was denied a commission and my recruiter put together a reconsideration packet. In order to be reconsidered, I would have to show some sort of improvement in this packet. so I gathered additional O-6's LORS and my recruiter told me to retake the test. Guess what I scored a 39 EVEN LOWER. Well to make a long story short, we went ahead and submitted the packet anyway. THey lost my paper work it was never processed. I finally got a call last September from a processor in LA and he apologized for losing my packet and had suggested that i retest. Now this is going to be my Third adn Final time. I've studied for months for both tests and I am super scared of taking this my third adn final time and failing. I don't want this to be the end of my Navy Officer dreams! What do you folks suggest I do. is there any other way I can get a commission. I have a BA in Sociology and Minor in Spanish. My GPA was a 3.2. Do you have any suggestions on how to conquer this test guys? Please advise! Thanks and Happy New Year good luck to all applicants.


This is just my personal opinion and I am sure someone could probably point out a case to prove me wrong, but if you want to get a pro-rec ... retake the ASTB. Study all the study guides you can find and all that, cause a 39 (which is the OAR score) probably just isn't going to float. Your GPA is fine which helps, but try try try to score at least mid to high 40's.

Good luck to you!


New Member
2) As I responded in the other thread, if you haven't exhausted your 3 attempts, you should re-take the test. The wait might suck, but it's much easier to wait 1-3 months now and re-test than to wait 6 months after you've been rejected. The only reason not to re-test if you haven't taken it 3 times is pure laziness on your part.

If rejected, do you have to wait before resubmitting application?

Can you modify your previous package and resubmit it?


If ASTB completed 3rd and final time, do they use your best or most recent score?



New Member
I wouldn't worry about it, as long as you get selected. I was an ASTB waiver (5,5,5), the best I could get. I was told that I would suck at life - WELL - got selected, did good in API, Doing good in Primary - those test scores don't mean s*** after you get selected. Just a confidence booster incase your worried about your performance in flight school...

why were you an ASTB waiver? how do you qualify for that?



If rejected, do you have to wait before resubmitting application?

Can you modify your previous package and resubmit it?


If ASTB completed 3rd and final time, do they use your best or most recent score?


You must wait 6 months before submitting another application unless you make your application substantially better. What that means, no one seems to know exactly, but getting a better ASTB score does count. And for the ASTB, they only count your most recent score. So if you do worse the 3rd time you take it, that is the score you are stuck with.


New Member
There seems to be a lot of changes as where the sources/guides are located on the web (from 2002 - present). Most links I follow are dead links. Can anyone point me to the thread with the most recent (online) study guides?? (I know ARCO, I will have to check out of the public library)

Thanks a mil, champs!


I just took the ASTB earlier today. I am prior navy for 5 years. I was an aircrew man. I have been out of the Navy for 4 years. I would like to thank everyone who posted some gouge or website material as that really helped me in determining what I needed to study. I wish I could have studied more (only studied for 3 days this week but I studied for a hard 3 days!) but I'm getting older and running out of time to submit my package and get a degree.

My scores were 7/8/7 55 (SNA only and will be applying for April boards)

I felt if I had more time (school starts next week and only wanted to worry about it) I think I could have greatly improved my scores but I couldn't have done it without all the posts on this and the Navy OCS forum! So, thank you all again!!!


New Member
I have a couple questions for anyone studying and anyone who has taken it.

I am working on the math section, and I am able to figure out almost all of the problems but it takes me a while to do each one. Roughly about two to three minutes a piece. From what I read that just isn't going to cut it. I am studying with ARCO books as well as a few other physics books I have laying around the house. I guess my question is, has anyone else had problems with the speed aspect?

I also talked to the recruiter and he commented that there would be no "percentages" on Navy ASTB, can anyone substantiate that claim? The Arco practice tests are full of precentages... Thanks for any help...


New Member
Took the test Jan. 11. Got my results today.

7/8/7 60

I want to thank everyone on here that contributed to gouge and any other information. This website and the gouge from it was basically the most important material I had. I studied casually for about a month then the final week before the test I picked up the pace on studying. Most crucial time is speed and confidence on the problems. When taking the test don't try to figure out a problem skip it and come back to it at the end. I took it on paper so not sure how easy it is to go back if its on a computer.

Thanks again airwarriors.


I have a couple questions for anyone studying and anyone who has taken it.

I am working on the math section, and I am able to figure out almost all of the problems but it takes me a while to do each one. Roughly about two to three minutes a piece. From what I read that just isn't going to cut it. I am studying with ARCO books as well as a few other physics books I have laying around the house. I guess my question is, has anyone else had problems with the speed aspect?

I also talked to the recruiter and he commented that there would be no "percentages" on Navy ASTB, can anyone substantiate that claim? The Arco practice tests are full of precentages... Thanks for any help...

As for taking the test quickly. Assuming you are taking the test electronically, my advice would be to only answer questions that you know exactly how to answer at a quick glance on the first time through. You will be able to flag questions to come back to later. This will help you get all the 'easy' points before going back to the ones you need to spend a little more time on, assuming there is time left. Granted, if you flag the majority of questions, this method isn't going to work very well for you.

When I took the ASTB, I felt fairly good about the math problems going through, but I still had to guess on the last two questions because I ran out of time. (YES, guess on problems if you only have seconds left, better than blanks!)

You get 25 minutes for 30 math problems, so 2 to 3 minutes each problem is really going to be rough.

And I'm not really sure what you mean by percentages on the test.

Not to keep pluggin my own blog, but here's my long drawn out thoughts post ASTB right after I took it: http://www.pwlk.net/blog/2007/12/07/post-astb/