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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


SNA Select
Just took my second retest today (first a month ago). Went from a 49-4/4/2 to a 56-6/8/7. I currently have a 3.0 GPA, do you guys think I have a good chance at getting selected for SNA?
Yes, if you would’ve gotten all 7s you would’ve qualified for I-SEL. But that one 6 shouldn’t hurt you you’ll just have to go through the normal board process. My scores were 53 7/8/7 so very similar to yours but I had a 2.66 gpa. Personally I think you’re competitive and should go for it.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys does anyone have any advice for the terrain ID section? I’ve tried the compass method and my own method but I keep getting the next closest answer which is wrong. So let’s say the answer is NNW I end up choosing WNW, if that makes any sense? How do I get the exact answer every time? Just keep practicing I guess?
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Active Member
Hey guys does anyone have any advice for the terrain ID section? I’ve tried the compass method and my own method but I keep getting the next closest answer which is wrong. So let’s say the answer is NNW I end up choosing WNW, if that makes any sense? How do I get the exact answer every time? Just keep practicing I guess?
It happens to me as well, picking the next closet choice, but it ends up being wrong. One way I try to limit that is to look for multiple areas of confirmation, as to which compass direction the terrain is facing. I.e. the position of buildings, roads, etc. Looking just for one confirmation isn't always best because there will more than likely be two choices that include that one confirmation; if that makes any sense.


Well-Known Member
It happens to me as well, picking the next closet choice, but it ends up being wrong. One way I try to limit that is to look for multiple areas of confirmation, as to which compass direction the terrain is facing. I.e. the position of buildings, roads, etc. Looking just for one confirmation isn't always best because there will more than likely be two choices that include that one confirmation; if that makes any sense.
Ya that makes sense thanks.
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New Member
Hey everyone!

I just took my second attempt at the OAR. I was able to split the test into two this time and I got a 48. I plan on taking the remainder of the test within two weeks. The 48 is an improvement from my first attempt of a 43 3/6/4. I am 28 years old and have been out of college for enough time for my math skills to greatly decline. I have to admit I am pretty stoked on the improvement and felt as though I killed the math section. After about 10-15 questions and plenty of time to go it actually kicked me out and went into the reading section. I have heard that this is a good thing? I know the mechanical comp section is what hurt my score as it was significantly more difficult than the last time I took the test. With that being said, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if it is worth me taking the remainder of the ASTB with an OAR lower than a 50. I do not qualify for I-SEL as my GPA is below a 3.0, so that is not something I would be striving for with an OAR score of 50 or higher. I am looking to go to boards for SNA and need some direction on if I would be okay going with a 48 and higher performance based measure scores. I would really like to not waste my time if I absolutely need a 50 to be successful. Should I go ahead and retake the OAR for my third and final time or attempt the rest of the ASTB before resorting to another retake? My recruiter actually did not show up for my test and it had to be administered by another recruiter who wasn't keen on answering my questions afterwards so any advice here would be greatly appreciated while I wait for an email response from my recruiter. Thanks!
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Hey everyone!

I just took my second attempt at the OAR. I was able to split the test into two this time and I got a 48. I plan on taking the remainder of the test within two weeks. The 48 is an improvement from my first attempt of a 43 3/6/4. I am 28 years old and have been out of college for enough time for my math skills to greatly decline. I have to admit I am pretty stoked on the improvement and felt as though I killed the math section. After about 10-15 questions and plenty of time to go it actually kicked me out and went into the reading section. I have heard that this is a good thing? I know the mechanical comp section is what hurt my score as it was significantly more difficult than the last time I took the test. With that being said, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if it is worth me taking the remainder of the ASTB with an OAR lower than a 50. I do not qualify for I-SEL as my GPA is below a 3.0, so that is not something I would be striving for with an OAR score of 50 or higher. I am looking to go to boards for SNA and need some direction on if I would be okay going with a 48 and higher performance based measure scores. I would really like to not waste my time if I absolutely need a 50 to be successful. Should I go ahead and retake the OAR for my third and final time or attempt the rest of the ASTB before resorting to another retake? My recruiter actually did not show up for my test and it had to be administered by another recruiter who wasn't keen on answering my questions afterwards so any advice here would be greatly appreciated while I wait for an email response from my recruiter. Thanks!
You don’t necessarily need a 50, your 3/6/4 is what’s hurting you. You aren’t at the minimum yet. I would aim for a 7/7/7 your OAR is just to get to the board it’s not often the deal breaker. Your PFAR the middle school is what’s looked at the most from speculation of reading through the thread. Nobody knows exactly what factors into your PFAR but speculation has it that, ANIT, and your PBM (stick, UAV portion) have a correlation to your PFAR!

Kyles Drive has great ANIT study practice, use the Jantzen for stick practice and the ASTB app with the ENS tab for UAV practice! Good luck!


New Member
Any suggestions to how many hours per day to prepare for the PBM section. I was considering 15 minutes per day for each section. 15 minutes for UAV, 15 sec for DLT ..... etc.
I take the exam in a few weeks
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Well-Known Member
You don’t necessarily need a 50, your 3/6/4 is what’s hurting you. You aren’t at the minimum yet. I would aim for a 7/7/7 your OAR is just to get to the board it’s not often the deal breaker. Your PFAR the middle school is what’s looked at the most from speculation of reading through the thread. Nobody knows exactly what factors into your PFAR but speculation has it that, ANIT, and your PBM (stick, UAV portion) have a correlation to your PFAR!

Kyles Drive has great ANIT study practice, use the Jantzen for stick practice and the ASTB app with the ENS tab for UAV practice! Good luck!
Hey everyone!

I just took my second attempt at the OAR. I was able to split the test into two this time and I got a 48. I plan on taking the remainder of the test within two weeks. The 48 is an improvement from my first attempt of a 43 3/6/4. I am 28 years old and have been out of college for enough time for my math skills to greatly decline. I have to admit I am pretty stoked on the improvement and felt as though I killed the math section. After about 10-15 questions and plenty of time to go it actually kicked me out and went into the reading section. I have heard that this is a good thing? I know the mechanical comp section is what hurt my score as it was significantly more difficult than the last time I took the test. With that being said, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on if it is worth me taking the remainder of the ASTB with an OAR lower than a 50. I do not qualify for I-SEL as my GPA is below a 3.0, so that is not something I would be striving for with an OAR score of 50 or higher. I am looking to go to boards for SNA and need some direction on if I would be okay going with a 48 and higher performance based measure scores. I would really like to not waste my time if I absolutely need a 50 to be successful. Should I go ahead and retake the OAR for my third and final time or attempt the rest of the ASTB before resorting to another retake? My recruiter actually did not show up for my test and it had to be administered by another recruiter who wasn't keen on answering my questions afterwards so any advice here would be greatly appreciated while I wait for an email response from my recruiter. Thanks!
Hey man, any tips for the math portion? I am in the same boat where i’m trying to relearn a lot of the math.


SNFO Select
Hey man, any tips for the math portion? I am in the same boat where i’m trying to relearn a lot of the math.
Khan academy and Grammar Hero on YouTube!
Math is not my strong suit but they both do a good job at re-teaching me the math. I actually feel more comfortable with math now.
Just create a plan on what topics you want to hit for the day and practice practice practice. I use the drives for more practice problems.


New Member
Good morning! I've seen alot of very knowledgeable people on this forum that have had some great answers about the ASTB exam. I have a question for these people. I am in the middle of the OCS application process where I am taking the ASTB, I have taken it twice thus far and have received some less than encouraging scores. I have scored a 50 5/3/5. In my second attempt at the test I felt like I had made massive improvements in my ability to track the object with both my throttle and stick. Despite my perceived improvements I received the same scores on the PFAR and FOFAR, I did however improve on my OAR. My question is, What portion of the Performance based measures test holds the most value? Is it the throttle and stick control? The dichotic listening portion? Or the instance when the two are intertwined? If anyone has some valuable input on what I should give more attention as I prepare to take the exam again I would be greatly appreciative! Hooyah!