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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


Hi everyone, I will be taking my astb for the first time in roughly two weeks. I have been studying pretty regularly for the better part of 3 weeks and just found this forum. I have seen a lot of people mention "Kyle's Drive, as well as "Gomez's Drive" and was wondering where I would go to find those?
Any help would be appreciated.
#10112 on page 675 has both of them linked


New Member
how did you get it to work? I've been having issues using it on the prep app, my computer is outded so I couldn't download the app, then I used open core patcher to update my IOS and now the app crashes every time I try to open the sticks sim.
im using a windows hp computer so i am not sure how to help on a macbook


Is there a way to practice the easier questions other than using the flashcards on the app? I feel like I get the same questions a lot, I am getting mostly very hard and getting them right but I feel like it’s skipping over the easier ones so I want to make sure I’m covering those also. Specifically ANIT is where I notice it most


New Member
ASTB Second Attempt

I just took my second attempt at the ASTB. My first attempt scored a 2/3/2… and today a 6/8/6 ! This forum has been incredibly helpful for understanding the test.

If you are like me and have not done math in years and struggle with it, one of the biggest changes I made was getting a tutor for the math section. Luckily, my sister is a math tutor, so she helped me a lot. If you’re someone who struggles with self-learning or understanding certain concepts, I highly recommend finding someone who can explain them to you. Having the material broken down by someone else made a huge difference for me. Then just drill the worksheets and practice questions.

Surprisingly, the math section ended up feeling like my strongest area this time around. Got a lot of geometry questions, probability, exponents etc same thing everyone else has been saying. Those DRT questions really aren’t on the test, I studied those like crazy for no reason. Lots of questions dealing with triangles.

What I wish I did better on

Like others have said I wish I had spent more time reviewing for the Mechanical Comprehension section, specifically the concepts. I could’ve gotten east points if I had studied more concepts then word problems. I specifically got questions asking what specific formulas are like work. Many of the questions involved diagrams with balloons, pulleys, etc. so brushing up on basic mechanical principles is something I strongly recommend. Had one questions where I had to calculate the speed of a boat in a river with a stream. Got the drop a bullet and shoot a bullet question.

I struggled with the Reading Comprehension section more than I expected. Like others have said the reading is extremely dull… like extremely. I had practiced with engaging material, which didn’t translate well to the test. My advice: practice reading dry, technical content, especially Navy-related material, to prepare for this section. There’s usually two answers that are the most correct for this section and the incorrect one usually has a word that makes it wrong so be prepared for that.


This section was pretty straightforward. I can’t emphasize enough how helpful it was to use the flashcards people have linked. Be sure to study ship parts—I got a few questions about this, including one about the beam of a ship, where they make commands on the ship. Other than that, the aviation-related questions were fairly easy for me as a private pilot so can’t say much for that.


The stick-and-throttle portion is much easier on the actual test compared to the practice websites if you get the X52’s.
One tip: take deep breaths before starting a section and stay calm. I felt very confident before going into this section, but nerves hit me out of nowhere due to the high-pressure nature of the tasks. Staying calm helped me perform better.
set up the emergency procedures before, (they go in order).

I really hoped for all 7s but will just go with this score for now and submit my application.

Thank you so much to everyone in this thread for your contributions!


New Member
Hello everyone, long-time listener, and first-time caller. Just finished my ASTB and want to give my run down of the test, along with the study materials I used. I studied hardcore for about a week (4-5 hours a day).

I will link everything I used at the bottom of this post.

Thank you all for the incredible information provided in this thread. I thought I was dumb after reading this thread, but good scores are possible.

Major: Finance
GPA: 3.2
AGE/Year: 20/Senior

OAR: 65
AQR: 8


This section was honestly way easier than I thought it was going to be. I got basic algebra, geometry, complex problems involving the volume of different prisms, root problems, multiplication matrices, and exponent problems (involving a lot of different rules). I also got an interesting question involving the term "L" at the end of a sequence, which I had never seen. It has something to do with Log. For this section, I studied using the super long ASTB math practice set (something like 100 questions), both Kyle and Gomez drives, and watched the Organic Chemistry tutor on YouTube for help with concepts I didn't know. I found it particularly helpful to try and visualize the concepts in my head while solving to better understand how the problem worked. I didn't get any work-time problems, DRT problems, or log base exponent problems.

Straightforward, really dry. Try your best to understand the passages by breaking them down. I found reading out loud made this section easier.

This section was also easier than I thought it would be. Had simple pulley single problems (fixed vs movable), simple inertia problems, horizontal velocity, mechanical advantage, and electrical problems involving simple circuits and definitions (Ohms for example.) MA of pulleys equals the number of supporting strands. There is a YouTube video by Smarter Every Day that helped me visualize pulleys. I also used the Kyle and Gomez drives for this. Again, taking time to visualize each concept helped me find the solution.

This section was also easier than I thought it would be. Every question had a one-word answer. I had questions on control surfaces, a lot of questions regarding elevators on an aircraft, and one naval history question. No nautical-themed questions. I used the CRAM flashcards for this and they were sufficient.

This is where the ASTB Prep App helped me the most. I prepped using rapid-fire mode on the app and that reflected on the test. I also use the paper compass method during practice and the test. I got every question right, most in under 3 secs. Some questions took me longer than others (5-6 sec) but that didn't seem to affect my score.

Another straightforward section, pick the best choice and move on. Don't dwell on answers.

Dichotic Listening:
I studied using the ASTB prep app. The test was the same, although the target ear switched between left and right during the actual test. I removed the headphones on the non-target side and didn't miss any. Get the hang of it before the test and you'll be good.

Stick and Throttle:
I splurged and bought the X52 throttle and oh boy it worked. I was consistently scoring a 18-20% on the ASTB Prep App sim. The test seems a lot smoother than the prep app. I practiced throttle and stick separately and then together. I thought I did horrible on the stick tracking, but I powered through. Take the time and breath. I missed a couple of numbers on the S+T+Dichotic Listening and still scored well. DO NOT STRESS, I thought I was doing so bad, but I passed.

Stick, Throttle, Emergency Procedures:
I thought this section was going to tank my score. I'm fairly certain my test glitched because I never saw the combinations for the knobs for each emergency. I guessed on every one and I think I guessed correctly because Fire and Engine went away, but Prop wouldn't when I pressed the clutch. I thought this was going to tank my score and I believe I would have scored a 9 if I had the correct combinations.


Hello, could you share the specific files in the Gomez & Kyle drives that you found the most beneficial.


Two Scops
Is there a way to practice the easier questions other than using the flashcards on the app? I feel like I get the same questions a lot, I am getting mostly very hard and getting them right but I feel like it’s skipping over the easier ones so I want to make sure I’m covering those also. Specifically ANIT is where I notice it most

If you have a Mac, you can utilize the custom test functionality. I’ll be rolling that feature out as soon as possible on the iOS version. Please give me some time to complete the rollout.

I apologize to all of you who are experiencing the bug where you can’t finish some of the review lessons. I’m currently working on the issue. The update should be available this Thursday. However, Apple has been quite slow in approving updates lately.

Keep crushing it you guys.


I took the ASTB today and scored 60 8/9/8. I’ll keep this short as everything already mentioned previously is accurate and sufficient to prepare for the test.

Math: I didn’t have any DRT or work time problems as others have mentioned. The difficulty does ramp up pretty quick I had one matrix, and a lot of radicals, one log, I honestly made educated guesses on a lot of questions. Got kicked out around 12-15 or so. Kyle and Gomez drives are great for math practice

Reading: Dry, boring, try not to fall asleep. Reading out loud helped. The lady in the office outside the door was loud on the phone which made it super hard to concentrate on this one

Mech: Felt easier than two scoops app, I feel as though it prepared me well. As everyone else has said mostly conceptual I think I did maybe one calculation if any

ANIT: Only had 3 or so Naval questions the rest were about aviation a lot of controls like ailerons, elevators, what happens as load factor increases, etc. I have a commercial pilot license so that gave me a huge advantage here but the cram flash cards should cover most of this

UAV and Terrain: use two scoops app, it’s nearly identical and prepared me well I think I got all them right. Compass trick worked well for me. On the UAV I didn’t realize the practice ended and the test began until it ended

Stick and Throttle: This part makes you feel stupid, just track them the best you can. Seriously buy an X52 to practice, I have a Mac so I used it on that to practice

DLT: The app works well to prepare for this, the actual test is much easier than the app if you put it on .1 or .25. As others have said the ear changes in the middle so be ready for that. I took off the non target ear and this worked pretty well just have to swap occasionally

Emergency: As others have said, FIRE-ENG-PROP and write down the procedures and then pre set the response so all you have to do is push the clutch to clear the emergency. On the prop one I couldn’t do this, I would
put the fuel to the middle and it would move itself either up or down so I had to wait for the emergency to set this one.

Overall this forum is more than enough to prepare for and do well on the test. If anyone has questions I’m happy to help.

Also if anyone in central NC needs an X52 I have one I no longer need


New Member
Thanks! I used an M1 MacBook Pro, it was honestly pretty plug and play. Once on the app it automatically recognized the flight stick. This is the Kyle drive and Gomez Drive. You might want to get acquainted with the search feature on this sub. You can find just about anything by searching for it!
I’m curious, neither my Mac or MacBook Air have usb ports.

Has anyone used a dongle to connect an x52? Wanna check before I buy one.


I took the ASTB today and scored 60 8/9/8. I’ll keep this short as everything already mentioned previously is accurate and sufficient to prepare for the test.

Math: I didn’t have any DRT or work time problems as others have mentioned. The difficulty does ramp up pretty quick I had one matrix, and a lot of radicals, one log, I honestly made educated guesses on a lot of questions. Got kicked out around 12-15 or so. Kyle and Gomez drives are great for math practice

Reading: Dry, boring, try not to fall asleep. Reading out loud helped. The lady in the office outside the door was loud on the phone which made it super hard to concentrate on this one

Mech: Felt easier than two scoops app, I feel as though it prepared me well. As everyone else has said mostly conceptual I think I did maybe one calculation if any

ANIT: Only had 3 or so Naval questions the rest were about aviation a lot of controls like ailerons, elevators, what happens as load factor increases, etc. I have a commercial pilot license so that gave me a huge advantage here but the cram flash cards should cover most of this

UAV and Terrain: use two scoops app, it’s nearly identical and prepared me well I think I got all them right. Compass trick worked well for me. On the UAV I didn’t realize the practice ended and the test began until it ended

Stick and Throttle: This part makes you feel stupid, just track them the best you can. Seriously buy an X52 to practice, I have a Mac so I used it on that to practice

DLT: The app works well to prepare for this, the actual test is much easier than the app if you put it on .1 or .25. As others have said the ear changes in the middle so be ready for that. I took off the non target ear and this worked pretty well just have to swap occasionally

Emergency: As others have said, FIRE-ENG-PROP and write down the procedures and then pre set the response so all you have to do is push the clutch to clear the emergency. On the prop one I couldn’t do this, I would
put the fuel to the middle and it would move itself either up or down so I had to wait for the emergency to set this one.

Overall this forum is more than enough to prepare for and do well on the test. If anyone has questions I’m happy to help.

Also if anyone in central NC needs an X52 I have one I no longer need
Huge congrats on the score! Just out of curiosity, what was your average percentage tracked on the ASTB prep app with the x52? When I was studying last year I would get around 40% and got an 8 PFAR so I am just curious on what you were getting since I like to still mess around with it here and there. Thanks, and again congrats!