Just watched a video on YouTube of the “compass trick” and it made no sense to me. How are you guys approaching this?
I’ve been looking at landmarks on the reference map (there’s a big circle next to a highway) to identify what part of the map I’m zoomed in on which usually takes at least 4-5 seconds.
Then I find what way I must be approaching that landmark. I.e. on the northern map, that building is to the north of that road, zoomed in it looks like the building to the southwest of that road so I must be approaching from that direction.
When I select the answer, I’m right about 60% of the time. The other 30% of the time, I’m off by one (for example: chose NNW instead of WNW). Then maybe 10% of the time I’m thinking of it from the opposite side of the compass, like ESE instead of WNW.
Can someone link to how they learned/used compass trick?
For those comparing it to UAV, I get UAV right 99% of the time within 1-2 seconds but that isn’t translating for me to the terrain. Your help/input is much appreciated!!