Hi all, first post here.
I took my ASTB this morning, and i got a 51 6/7/6. This was far better than what I was expecting. I studied for about 10 hours total, mainly ANIT stuff, UAV flashcards and some math refreshers on Khan academy. I'm a 2nd year undergrad studying Finance with a 3.9 GPA, so some math skills present but overall nothing crazy.
Math stuff -
More probability/statistics than I had studied for. I concentrated my studying on DRT, logs, exponential stuff, but was tested mainly on simple algebra, lots of probability, some factoring equations questions, percentages of percentages, etc. I don't remember a whole lot about this section because I thought I was doing terribly. One thing I did notice -- I finished with about 20 minutes to spare. Feel like the exam kicked me out early, I must've only done 15-20 questions???
Reading -
This was terrible. Not too difficult, but my brain struggled to process any of this after 10 minutes of reading. Not much to it. I didn't practice. My advice: get comfortable with breaking down and actually understanding how the questions work. Look at SAT reading examples, and then ask ChatGPT to convert it into Navy terms (lots of abbreviations, Navy dept program readings, etc).
Mech -
Was worried about this one, but most of the questions ended up being theoretical rather than quantitative. Make sure you know stuff about electricity, because I didn't and had to guess on a couple of those questions. Overall not bad if you understand basic physics (quite accurate to the Khan academy college physics questions).
15 min break after OAR, which is nice. Stretch your legs and breathe!
ANIT questions were a breeze if you study and understand the concepts. Maybe had one or two that confused me. I used
these flashcards to study, so thanks forum user for those! No history questions for me here. Just practical naval/aero stuff.
UAV - Use the flashcards readily available online. I was getting good at doing those in my head without the compass, but i made a little compass on my scratch paper on the test itself, which honestly slowed me down a bit. I was averaging 2-6 seconds/question. Got a few wrong, but that happens.
Terrain identification sucked. I didn't know this was on the test, failed most of the practice qs and YOLO'd the questions. Basically has one image of terrain with defining features (roads, rivers, coastlines) oriented north to the left, and then the same image, just rotated and zoomed in/out on the right hand side. Your task is to figure out which way you're headed if you go in the direction of 12oclock on the right image. This section, unlike the UAV section, doesn't tell you when you score correctly or incorrectly. Good luck! I was unprepared, but with practice this should be ezpz.
Then the flight sim stuff. Never used any of these controls in my life, this section sucked. Apparently I did well enough though. Honestly no advice here. If you can, practice using a flightstick as I had never used one and kept messing up the direction due to inversion. Felt like I was always off both targets and my attention was all over the place. Emergency procedures gave me three, write down the procedure on paper and then reference it. They're pretty simple though, this wasn't terrible.
Oh yeah and the personality questions... just go through them. There's an obvious right answer for some, but others make you feel like you're outing yourself as a horrible person. It is what it is.
Did much better than I expected. My current ranking is NFO, suppo, SWO. subject to change since I've got a couple years left of college.
Thanks all for the help!