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1,001 questions about the ASTB (post your scores & ask your questions here!)


NFO Select
Remember, you also need a GPA of 3.0 or higher, as well as no moral or age waivers. I've seen some people in this thread say that you're fine for ISEL if you have medical waivers, I haven't seen anyone post hard proof of that, but I guess I can serve as a good guinea pig for the question because I currently have an ISEL package submitted with a medical waiver.
I can confirm, I was selected through ISEL and I required a medical waiver.


New Member
So, I'm currently 3 weeks out from my second attempt on the OAR. This forum has been extremely helpful with Kyle's study guide and other materials. I got a 39 on my first attempt and this exam was HARD. I haven't looked at math since HS because I study PoliSci so I absolutely got kicked out of that. My recruiter recommended the OAR tutoring app and I have been using it off and on since December '24. I just started using their tutoring services because I learn better when something is explained in depth, however, I am having issues with them. My tutor is rude and said that I am "too confused" to do the math LOL. Has anyone used their tutoring services before and have done well? I need over a 50 (which is completely doable), but I need to understand math in 3 weeks. Are Khan Academy and Organic Chem my best bets with fully understanding math for the exam???


NFO Select
So, I'm currently 3 weeks out from my second attempt on the OAR. This forum has been extremely helpful with Kyle's study guide and other materials. I got a 39 on my first attempt and this exam was HARD. I haven't looked at math since HS because I study PoliSci so I absolutely got kicked out of that. My recruiter recommended the OAR tutoring app and I have been using it off and on since December '24. I just started using their tutoring services because I learn better when something is explained in depth, however, I am having issues with them. My tutor is rude and said that I am "too confused" to do the math LOL. Has anyone used their tutoring services before and have done well? I need over a 50 (which is completely doable), but I need to understand math in 3 weeks. Are Khan Academy and Organic Chem my best bets with fully understanding math for the exam???
I tried to be sure I understood every concept from Kyle and Gomez drives. The ones that weren’t super in depth or didn’t have many problems, I went to khan academy. I had a lot of log problems, drt, simplifying powers/fractions on the actual test.


Yes, I would say so. Been on here for 4 months but have read up to a few years back and can't recall anyone mentioning that tutoring app. But everyone swears by the ASTB Prep App ($30 be unnecessary for you since you're just taking the OAR but it's up to you) and the aforementioned drives. Spent time searching through this forum and write down what math topics others have gotten and search those up on Khan Academy and Organic Chem. For instance, last week I had probability, finding base/height of a triangle, simplifying exponents, long division, powers/fractions too, and circle problems. Since you have 3 weeks take time every night to focus on 1-2 topics and then a different one the next day.
So, I'm currently 3 weeks out from my second attempt on the OAR. This forum has been extremely helpful with Kyle's study guide and other materials. I got a 39 on my first attempt and this exam was HARD. I haven't looked at math since HS because I study PoliSci so I absolutely got kicked out of that. My recruiter recommended the OAR tutoring app and I have been using it off and on since December '24. I just started using their tutoring services because I learn better when something is explained in depth, however, I am having issues with them. My tutor is rude and said that I am "too confused" to do the math LOL. Has anyone used their tutoring services before and have done well? I need over a 50 (which is completely doable), but I need to understand math in 3 weeks. Are Khan Academy and Organic Chem my best bets with fully understanding math for the exam?


Active Member
Well, it's been a long time coming and I'm grateful for the help I've received from everyone since I joined. I took my third ASTB exam today and I got a 54 6/8/7. I'm definitely glad with the score, especially considering how my 2nd attempt went (38? 4/7/5) and my first attempt was 43 5/7/6. I don't think I have any advice that hasn't been mentioned but I'll try and summarize my experience of how this whole journey has been and perhaps that might help someone out. (It's quite a bit of reading and I may have said more than needed but the last paragraph is my recommendation if you're planning to take the exam)

I joined Airwarrios in the summer of 2023, I was still doing my graduate studies at the time but I had an interest in becoming a pilot. I did some on-and-off studying then (that was before the added terrain association to the exam) but again, it was just an interest at the time and I was considering other things as well outside the military. The real studying didn't happen until fall 2024; I finally decided to reach out to a recruiter because I wanted to pursue the path to pilot. I had done some previous studying in the past as I mentioned, so I was fairly familiar with the exam but fairly wasn't gonna do much for me. After a month and half of studying every day I took the exam and ended up with 5/7/6. I thought I would have done better but I knew what to expect the second time around, or so I thought...

I doubled down on studying the second time around, an hour plus every day, since the day after my first exam. It ended up being close to 2 months of studying because the day I was scheduled for the second exam, Florida got hit with some snow and that was affecting the servers the tests were administered on, so I had to wait another 2 weeks because of work. So going into it I was pretty confident, the PBM was always the section I performed the best in (scoring an average of .6 in the uav section of the astb prep app and terrain association made sense to me. The stick and throttle sections I was also confident in, so that was one aspect of the exam covered. The ANIT I knew pretty well to rid out choices that were clrealy not the right one. I study pretty hard for math (I understand math fairly well but I wanted to make sure that I covered a wide range of potential questions. The reading section I didn't study for and the mechanical I studied quite a bit for. Well, despite all that I got a 4/7/5 and I was shocked to say the least. I felt kinda numb tbh, especially considering how hard I went for almost 2 months studying. I knew I didn't finish the reading and mechanical section on time, and I guess one some of them at the end but at the time I didn't think it mattered much. I honestly didn't know what to study; I had covered essential everything. If you have me a math problem from the drives that had been passed around, there was a 90% that I could solve it and it was pretty much the same for everything else.

After that I took my first break studying in months; I didn't really do much for about 2 weeks and when I did start studying again it wasn't much. Like I said, I covered a whole lot of concepts so I honestly didn't know what more I could do. However, I decided to focus on reading (I know) and mechanical. There isn't a whole lot of reading material for the astb but there is for the afoqt, the airforce version of the astb. So I used their material and I also utilized the mechanical section more in the astb prep app. And after some time of studying, that led me to exam day and I finally saw some success in my studying.

The notable difference this time was that I was able to finish the reading and mechanical section on time. Perhaps it should have been obvious but guessing at the end of a section hurts your score more than if you just simply take your time to get as much as right as possible, even if you run out of time. And I guess that's my advice tbh; if you're running out of time, I recommend you don't guess like I did the first and second time. Just try to answer as many as you can correctly. Had I done that perhaps I would have gotten my current score on the second exam. I also tried not to take long on the reading and mechanical section. So to focus a bit more on those two sections and not zone out, I had a can of Reign while taking the exam. Lastly, the drives that have been passed around in the forum were all I used to study. I did look up some logarithmic problems: https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/problems/alg/LogFunctions.aspx (really just for questions 13-18) but other than that the drives I mostly used for the OAR. The astb prep app is very very very helpful for the PBM; it's a must-have. I also mostly used https://jomo1-1.github.io/ASTB-remade/ for the stick and throttle practice. (I increased my stick speed in antimirco to model it of the speed of the actual exam.) For the ANIT, I used the cram cards and the prep app. Mechanical I used the drives and the prep app (don't underestimate the mechanical test in the prep app. It's pretty straightforward but you'd be surprised how helpful it can be. Lastly for reading, I used afoqt material to get some reps in. I know my score isn't a guarantee that I'll get picked up for SNA but I'm glad to be done with studying than anything else. Thank you to all who have helped me and I hope everyone can find success in whatever it is they're working towards.


New Member
Yes, I would say so. Been on here for 4 months but have read up to a few years back and can't recall anyone mentioning that tutoring app. But everyone swears by the ASTB Prep App ($30 be unnecessary for you since you're just taking the OAR but it's up to you) and the aforementioned drives. Spent time searching through this forum and write down what math topics others have gotten and search those up on Khan Academy and Organic Chem. For instance, last week I had probability, finding base/height of a triangle, simplifying exponents, long division, powers/fractions too, and circle problems. Since you have 3 weeks take time every night to focus on 1-2 topics and then a different one the next day.
Thank you! I actually just bought the ASTB app and I love it so far. It explains everything in depth but dumbed down for people like me haha. The OAR Tutoring app just pretty much assumes you should know the math and be able to do problems without explanation. I don’t plan on studying on the reading because it was just dry and there’s really no way to study for it. I will definitely keep using Kahn and Organic because those seem to help a lot of people of here.

With all of that being said, I don’t recommend the OAR Tutoring app for those planning on taking just the OAR because it’s not worth the money. Definitely do really enjoy the ASTB prep app more and I was using the other app since December…
Hi all, first post here.
I took my ASTB this morning, and i got a 51 6/7/6. This was far better than what I was expecting. I studied for about 10 hours total, mainly ANIT stuff, UAV flashcards and some math refreshers on Khan academy. I'm a 2nd year undergrad studying Finance with a 3.9 GPA, so some math skills present but overall nothing crazy.

Math stuff -
More probability/statistics than I had studied for. I concentrated my studying on DRT, logs, exponential stuff, but was tested mainly on simple algebra, lots of probability, some factoring equations questions, percentages of percentages, etc. I don't remember a whole lot about this section because I thought I was doing terribly. One thing I did notice -- I finished with about 20 minutes to spare. Feel like the exam kicked me out early, I must've only done 15-20 questions???

Reading -
This was terrible. Not too difficult, but my brain struggled to process any of this after 10 minutes of reading. Not much to it. I didn't practice. My advice: get comfortable with breaking down and actually understanding how the questions work. Look at SAT reading examples, and then ask ChatGPT to convert it into Navy terms (lots of abbreviations, Navy dept program readings, etc).

Mech -
Was worried about this one, but most of the questions ended up being theoretical rather than quantitative. Make sure you know stuff about electricity, because I didn't and had to guess on a couple of those questions. Overall not bad if you understand basic physics (quite accurate to the Khan academy college physics questions).

15 min break after OAR, which is nice. Stretch your legs and breathe!

ANIT questions were a breeze if you study and understand the concepts. Maybe had one or two that confused me. I used these flashcards to study, so thanks forum user for those! No history questions for me here. Just practical naval/aero stuff.

UAV - Use the flashcards readily available online. I was getting good at doing those in my head without the compass, but i made a little compass on my scratch paper on the test itself, which honestly slowed me down a bit. I was averaging 2-6 seconds/question. Got a few wrong, but that happens.

Terrain identification sucked. I didn't know this was on the test, failed most of the practice qs and YOLO'd the questions. Basically has one image of terrain with defining features (roads, rivers, coastlines) oriented north to the left, and then the same image, just rotated and zoomed in/out on the right hand side. Your task is to figure out which way you're headed if you go in the direction of 12oclock on the right image. This section, unlike the UAV section, doesn't tell you when you score correctly or incorrectly. Good luck! I was unprepared, but with practice this should be ezpz.

Then the flight sim stuff. Never used any of these controls in my life, this section sucked. Apparently I did well enough though. Honestly no advice here. If you can, practice using a flightstick as I had never used one and kept messing up the direction due to inversion. Felt like I was always off both targets and my attention was all over the place. Emergency procedures gave me three, write down the procedure on paper and then reference it. They're pretty simple though, this wasn't terrible.

Oh yeah and the personality questions... just go through them. There's an obvious right answer for some, but others make you feel like you're outing yourself as a horrible person. It is what it is.
Did much better than I expected. My current ranking is NFO, suppo, SWO. subject to change since I've got a couple years left of college.

Thanks all for the help!
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New Member
Well, it's been a long time coming and I'm grateful for the help I've received from everyone since I joined. I took my third ASTB exam today and I got a 54 6/8/7. I'm definitely glad with the score, especially considering how my 2nd attempt went (38? 4/7/5) and my first attempt was 43 5/7/6. I don't think I have any advice that hasn't been mentioned but I'll try and summarize my experience of how this whole journey has been and perhaps that might help someone out. (It's quite a bit of reading and I may have said more than needed but the last paragraph is my recommendation if you're planning to take the exam)

I joined Airwarrios in the summer of 2023, I was still doing my graduate studies at the time but I had an interest in becoming a pilot. I did some on-and-off studying then (that was before the added terrain association to the exam) but again, it was just an interest at the time and I was considering other things as well outside the military. The real studying didn't happen until fall 2024; I finally decided to reach out to a recruiter because I wanted to pursue the path to pilot. I had done some previous studying in the past as I mentioned, so I was fairly familiar with the exam but fairly wasn't gonna do much for me. After a month and half of studying every day I took the exam and ended up with 5/7/6. I thought I would have done better but I knew what to expect the second time around, or so I thought...

I doubled down on studying the second time around, an hour plus every day, since the day after my first exam. It ended up being close to 2 months of studying because the day I was scheduled for the second exam, Florida got hit with some snow and that was affecting the servers the tests were administered on, so I had to wait another 2 weeks because of work. So going into it I was pretty confident, the PBM was always the section I performed the best in (scoring an average of .6 in the uav section of the astb prep app and terrain association made sense to me. The stick and throttle sections I was also confident in, so that was one aspect of the exam covered. The ANIT I knew pretty well to rid out choices that were clrealy not the right one. I study pretty hard for math (I understand math fairly well but I wanted to make sure that I covered a wide range of potential questions. The reading section I didn't study for and the mechanical I studied quite a bit for. Well, despite all that I got a 4/7/5 and I was shocked to say the least. I felt kinda numb tbh, especially considering how hard I went for almost 2 months studying. I knew I didn't finish the reading and mechanical section on time, and I guess one some of them at the end but at the time I didn't think it mattered much. I honestly didn't know what to study; I had covered essential everything. If you have me a math problem from the drives that had been passed around, there was a 90% that I could solve it and it was pretty much the same for everything else.

After that I took my first break studying in months; I didn't really do much for about 2 weeks and when I did start studying again it wasn't much. Like I said, I covered a whole lot of concepts so I honestly didn't know what more I could do. However, I decided to focus on reading (I know) and mechanical. There isn't a whole lot of reading material for the astb but there is for the afoqt, the airforce version of the astb. So I used their material and I also utilized the mechanical section more in the astb prep app. And after some time of studying, that led me to exam day and I finally saw some success in my studying.

The notable difference this time was that I was able to finish the reading and mechanical section on time. Perhaps it should have been obvious but guessing at the end of a section hurts your score more than if you just simply take your time to get as much as right as possible, even if you run out of time. And I guess that's my advice tbh; if you're running out of time, I recommend you don't guess like I did the first and second time. Just try to answer as many as you can correctly. Had I done that perhaps I would have gotten my current score on the second exam. I also tried not to take long on the reading and mechanical section. So to focus a bit more on those two sections and not zone out, I had a can of Reign while taking the exam. Lastly, the drives that have been passed around in the forum were all I used to study. I did look up some logarithmic problems: https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/problems/alg/LogFunctions.aspx (really just for questions 13-18) but other than that the drives I mostly used for the OAR. The astb prep app is very very very helpful for the PBM; it's a must-have. I also mostly used https://jomo1-1.github.io/ASTB-remade/ for the stick and throttle practice. (I increased my stick speed in antimirco to model it of the speed of the actual exam.) For the ANIT, I used the cram cards and the prep app. Mechanical I used the drives and the prep app (don't underestimate the mechanical test in the prep app. It's pretty straightforward but you'd be surprised how helpful it can be. Lastly for reading, I used afoqt material to get some reps in. I know my score isn't a guarantee that I'll get picked up for SNA but I'm glad to be done with studying than anything else. Thank you to all who have helped me and I hope everyone can find success in whatever it is they're working towards.
What were your settings in AntiMicro?


New Member
How useful would anyone say the ASTB app is for Math and Mechanical?
I used it to prep for a few weeks ahead of time and was shocked at how much easier the OAR portion was than what I had prepared for. So, basically it was well worth it in terms of getting the concepts into my head. BUT be sure to run a lot of practice tests for math as the actual questions on the math portion of the OAR are much different than what are in your review sections at the end of each topic for math.


New Member
Hello all, I am planning to buy the Logitech X52 from Amazon ($159) to practice for the Cockpit Sim. Is it possible (if so, how?) to connect the X52 stick and throttle to the Jantzen io flight practice for my computer? I have an Apple Macbook.
I bought it as well, but still waiting for help from someone on here to get it working in the Jantzen simulator. I've got the driver downloaded correctly as well as AntiMicroX and it's all good and plugged in, but for me it does not work in the Jantzen simulator website.


Active Member
What were your settings in AntiMicro?
I can't seem to upload the file but once you have antimicro loaded, click on either axis 1 or 2 and click more settings. There you can change the horizontal and vertical speed. I have mine set to 70 but it wouldn't hurt to increase it to maybe like 80.


New Member
Took it this morning with little study -- I intend to take it again before putting my packet together for OCS. I got 58 OAR, and then 7/7/6 for the other section. Kind of fucked up on the UAV portion, because I would instinctively click the correction if I got a UAV question wrong, and would end up double-clicking and then getting the next question incorrect aswell. I've got my PPL with about 60 flight hours. I feel generally disappointed in my score, but I was told this could get me through a board. I have a 2.5 GPA in computer engineering. Any thoughts?


New Member
After studying for 1.5 months, my first attempt ended up with a 57 6/7/6 which was a little surprising because I thought I did a lot better. I'm in my 3rd year of college and I have a 3.9 GPA in biological sciences. I am looking to get accepted into BDCP pilot slot and my recruiter says that these scores should give me a good chance to be selected. If I want to try to get into the program by the next board, I would have to stick with these scores and I was wondering if I had a good chance or if I should try to retake it. I am also curious if anyone would be willing to share their stats as whether or not they got into the BDCP.
Other than that I am greatly thankful for this thread, it had everything that could've been on the test.


New Member
After studying for 1.5 months, my first attempt ended up with a 57 6/7/6 which was a little surprising because I thought I did a lot better. I'm in my 3rd year of college and I have a 3.9 GPA in biological sciences. I am looking to get accepted into BDCP pilot slot and my recruiter says that these scores should give me a good chance to be selected. If I want to try to get into the program by the next board, I would have to stick with these scores and I was wondering if I had a good chance or if I should try to retake it. I am also curious if anyone would be willing to share their stats as whether or not they got into the BDCP.
Other than that I am greatly thankful for this thread, it had everything that could've been on the test.
I'm also trying to get into BDCP.