i understand how most of you here who have a class date are feeling. you want to know as much as you can, get every tip, and learn all there is to prepare yourself for ocs. it's the logical thing to do, try to educate yourselves.
however, that being said, from someone who HAS gone through with ocs, who was once on this same board trying to read as much as he could, NOTHING here will prepare you for what you are about to partake save running your butt off, arriving to ocs being able to do 70 pu, 90 su, running at least a 10:30, and learning your big 3 which should be on the otcp website. if you do just that, you will be ahead of most people in your class. aside from that, knowing when you go on liberty, what the first week is like, etc wont help you as much as just showing up in shape and knowing your big 3. THIS CAN NOT BE STRESSED ENOUGH. show up in shape. know your big 3. aside from that, i recommend, if you so desire, to use this board as a way to meet your fellow classmates.
if you think about it, this site is just a rumor board. there are VERY few people here that are privy to pertinent information. "what are my chances?" "when is the next board?" ask your recruiter. they would have the answers. if you want to compare stats, great. if you want to see what someone else had in his package to perhaps add to yours, so be it. however, people here should realize that the people they're looking for answers to a lot of their questions are as much in the dark as they are. what worked for one may not for another. it's all just gouge, hearsay. remember, i was once doing the exact same thing. going through ocs will make you realize how funny this website is.