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Well-Known Member
Un-Restricted Line Officer In-Service Procurement Program

A new program for fleet applicants that meet all Program Authorization requirements and have their Admirals endorsement. No waivers authorized.
How do you know whitch applicants on the list are an ISPP or the ones who are not?


Well-Known Member
Will be interested to see how this plays out. Seems that the list consist for both ISPP and normal OCS applicants.
Those are not ISPP candidates we are just fleet applicants that are competing against you all. ISPP doesn’t even touch this board CRNC simply builds out a quota.


Active Member
Well I guess this shows there’s a good and a bad side to everything. I’m very happy to see that I am on the at-board list, but a little nervous to see so many names.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess this shows there’s a good and a bad side to everything. I’m very happy to see that I am on the at-board list, but a little nervous to see so many names.
personally, I'm okay with it. It means a ton more competition so the Navy can select the very best. If you get selected so much the better for you.

If I don't get selected just means it's time to hit the ASTB books again to try to become a part of the best.
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Ricky Jenkins
personally, I'm okay with it. It means a ton more competition so the Navy can select the very best. If you get selected so much the better for you.

If I don't get selected just means it time to hit the ASTB books again to try to become a part of the best.
If those are your stats, I wouldn't sweat it.


I am on the at board! With so many people in it, it makes me wonder if they’re going to grab everyone they need from this one and potentially cancel the rest of them for this year. Just a thought of mine.
Personally I’d prefer that


Well-Known Member
I was confident about getting a 7 pfar on astb but after seeing the list and some of the competition , I’m not so sure anymore. It could go anyway. Gonna be a tough few weeks for sure