Did a mock PRT yesterday to jump on the bandwagon.
30-34 bracket
Push ups: 47
Plank: 1:30 Stopped at a Sat high cause it's boring.
1.5mi Run: 15:20
This is my excuse for the run. I think I had a great shot at passing the PRT and didn't realize how close I was at the end because I was so focused on not slipping on ice. If I wasn't slipping in some icy foot print it felt like running in sand in the third and fourth lane. Look at these conditions I have to deal with lol. Embracing the suck at 4,529ft
So I went out and ran the 1.5 today on my normal hilly route and ran it 30 seconds faster than yesterday's icy track run.
Today's 1.5 - 14:51
Looking forward to getting back on the track when it melts. The brief 200ft of clear track felt amazing. I haven't run on a track in three years, I forgot how different it is from asphalt. Great job from everyone on the PRT so far, you guys are killing it.