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Well-Known Member
Buddy I work with got in with a 47 5/7/6 for SNA on the last board. So, I am saying it is doable. He has managed some large portfolios and some leadership experience. So PFAR and FOFAR are good and recommendations/ work experience are strong. His statement was trash tbh.

Obviously @exNavyOffRec has it down. Leadership/Resume + PFAR/FOFAR = SNA/SNFO rate.

He had a 7 on the PFAR so that is a decent score, and the last board was a decent board numbers wise, i would be more surprised if he didn't get in.

They take little time to look at your background if at all, that is why his trash statement wouldn't of mattered, I was talking to a few NC's at the NRD I was at a few weeks ago and they still have guys getting picked up SNA with 3 sentence motivational statements lol.


AW Deity and aspiring Aviator
He had a 7 on the PFAR so that is a decent score, and the last board was a decent board numbers wise, i would be more surprised if he didn't get in.

They take little time to look at your background if at all, that is why his trash statement wouldn't of mattered, I was talking to a few NC's at the NRD I was at a few weeks ago and they still have guys getting picked up SNA with 3 sentence motivational statements lol.

Ohhh I actually heard about it less than 30 minutes ago. He asks me daily how the wait is lol.

Guess what I have seen, those were non competitive scores. Given the results from the last board? Can you explain?


Well-Known Member
Ohhh I actually heard about it less than 30 minutes ago. He asks me daily how the wait is lol.

Guess what I have seen, those were non competitive scores. Given the results from the last board? Can you explain?
the number of those accepted or percent accepted will go up and down, last board they had a decent number picked, the upcoming board given how far OCS dates are being pushed out I would be less confident on a decent number of selections.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to assume that's what those numbers are correlating too but I'm not fully sure

That seems correct to me, I never cared for the submit goal, really it is just a number to be analyzed if OR's fail at their job, if the Pro Y goal for SNA is 584 and you get that goal who cares if the submit goal is 876 and they get 1000 or if they get 700, the better OR's are at their job the closer they should be for a 1 to 1 ratio for submit goal to pro y goal.

* covid of course has messed up this year so not all numbers on the sheet may work.


Well-Known Member
That seems correct to me, I never cared for the submit goal, really it is just a number to be analyzed if OR's fail at their job, if the Pro Y goal for SNA is 584 and you get that goal who cares if the submit goal is 876 and they get 1000 or if they get 700, the better OR's are at their job the closer they should be for a 1 to 1 ratio for submit goal to pro y goal.

* covid of course has messed up this year so not all numbers on the sheet may work.
So they’re only accepting NFOs on this upcoming board?


Well-Known Member
"Designator is closed. Applicants will be pushed to next FY." in relation to pilot. Anyone know what this means for pilot applicants at the Jan board?