Well-Known Member
Buddy I work with got in with a 47 5/7/6 for SNA on the last board. So, I am saying it is doable. He has managed some large portfolios and some leadership experience. So PFAR and FOFAR are good and recommendations/ work experience are strong. His statement was trash tbh.
Obviously @exNavyOffRec has it down. Leadership/Resume + PFAR/FOFAR = SNA/SNFO rate.
He had a 7 on the PFAR so that is a decent score, and the last board was a decent board numbers wise, i would be more surprised if he didn't get in.
They take little time to look at your background if at all, that is why his trash statement wouldn't of mattered, I was talking to a few NC's at the NRD I was at a few weeks ago and they still have guys getting picked up SNA with 3 sentence motivational statements lol.