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6 Navy Commanding Officers Sacked in 6 Weeks


Well-Known Member
But the CO of 365 DIDN'T get relieved. At least not before his scheduled rotation, anyway.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I was pretty sure it happened. One of the Majors in the squadron even remarked about how the Wizard left squadron CO's in his wake...

But if I changed my name, I wouldn't keep all those mad rep points!
Plus, if you can't keep the words DRIVER and PILOT seperated in your mind, you must need to start doing moboards again to keep your mind sharp!


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I was pretty sure it happened. One of the Majors in the squadron even remarked about how the Wizard left squadron CO's in his wake...

Plus, if you can't keep the words DRIVER and PILOT seperated in your mind, you must need to start doing moboards again to keep your mind sharp!

Not to piss on your parade, but I was IN 365 from 1998 to 2002. The CO stayed in place until a regular CoC ceremony.

Wizard shat on the CO, even had someone else in the on-deck circle, but he didn't relieve anyone during OEF.


Well-Known Member
Not to piss on your parade, but I was IN 365 from 1998 to 2002. The CO stayed in place until a regular CoC ceremony.

Wizard shat on the CO, even had someone else in the on-deck circle, but he didn't relieve anyone during OEF.
You're not pissing on my parade... Must have been confusion about the "on-deck circle" from those of us back at the River. Wizard DID relieve my CO over HEFS for god sake, so it was believable to the rest of us.

I Stand Corrected. So if you were in 365 back then, we know all the same people... Rosy, Copa, Chatty, Sweatpea...


Well-Known Member
Not to piss on your parade, but I was IN 365 from 1998 to 2002. The CO stayed in place until a regular CoC ceremony.

Wizard shat on the CO, even had someone else in the on-deck circle, but he didn't relieve anyone during OEF.
I went back and corrected my original post. I was thinking - perhaps we "assumed" that he had been relieved because it would make more sense out of Wingnut getting relieved. We loved our CO, as Levi put it - "I'd walk through hell wearing a gasoline suit for that man" and blaming it all on Wizard made sense. I'm also guessing that by the time the "on-deck circle" filtered its way back to the River, it had morphed into a relief.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Speaking of Top-Brass Getting Fired....

It took the new Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Mullen, less than 24 hours to dump one of the most disliked officers among the Navy's top brass. Vice-Admiral Joe Sestak, an arrogant and obnoxious "bully-boy," who delighted in being rude and unreasonable and getting away with it, found he was expendable the minute his mentor went out the door.

He made it to the House of Represenatives thanks to the idiots in PA!


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Speaking of Top-Brass Getting Fired....

It took the new Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Mike Mullen, less than 24 hours to dump one of the most disliked officers among the Navy's top brass. Vice-Admiral Joe Sestak, an arrogant and obnoxious "bully-boy," who delighted in being rude and unreasonable and getting away with it, found he was expendable the minute his mentor went out the door.

He made it to the House of Represenatives thanks to the idiots in PA!
And a few close friends in the business...


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
I was a JO victim of his tyranny. I waited three hours outside his office for him so I could brief him on SSC. F'ing SWO. He carried a rubber duckie around with him to take pictures with and send to his kid. Nothing wrecks Admirality credibility more than a rubber duckie.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Had this CO and I won't mention names being he will most likely put on a star.....he's headed that way.....but he was a tyrant or at least close to it. He ruled by intimidation. I was an OIC of an FCLP det and had to call him to tell him about a near mishap and blown tire. I seriously felt like that General in Star Wars who had to tel Vader he lost the Millenium Falcon. He would just go off. The worst days was the department head meetings. You never knew what mood he would be in but it was generally bad. Sometimes he would go around the room, picking each DH and just lay into them. A fellow DH said his best meeting was when he told him to move out of the way so he could yell at me. We had these yearly ANA awards to write. None were from my department but he was very upset at the quality so all DH's were to get together and rewrite them. When done, he would look at them and if he didn't like them, return them with a big red X. Problem is, he wouldn't tell us what he didn't like about them...what was wrong with them. We had to keep rewriting until we got it right. He came in everyone morning about 0600 and if angry, like he was at me most of the time, he often would be sitting at your desk...like he did with me. He wanted to see a document one time, one he had signed (after briefing him on it for about 30 minutes) but when I showed it to him, he denied it was his signature and screamed bloody hell at me, demanding that I present the one he signed :eek: We had to work severl weekends in a row. I caught a bit of the stomach flew on a Sunday morning. I called early but the CO was walking around so I left a message with the OPS O (XO out of town). When he found out, not only did he demand I get to work but he chewed the asses of the guys who worked for me. He told me it was punishement for me not showing up to work. If he couldn't punish me he would punish them. Future Admiral :D