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Al Gore Rocks!


Don't you mean very smart people with training in one specific area who all get their entire income writing papers sponsored by people who want to tell us that the sky is falling and that we should all live our lives like them tell us......

I think that G'N'R said it best:

"The surgeon general says
it's hazardous to breathe,
I'd have another cigarette
but I can't see....
Tell me who you're
gonna believe"

(Above lyrics (c) "Paradise City", G'N'MFR)

Squorch and his liberal spew can stay on cruise :D


Alright guys...gotta throw my ring .02 in. Al Gore is a politico-doosh who will do whatever it takes to keep his "good" name good. No love for the man.

The Nobel Committee? Musta been a slow year for peace...who knows. Collectively however, they are likely one of the "smartest"...whatever that means, groups on the planet.

Global Warming? Well...I think that to say that we aren't going to face some serious challenges in the next century because of human activity on the planet is just as stupid and naieve as giving Al Gore the Nobel Peace Prize. Do we know quantitatively how much? No. Do we completely understand the science? Probably not. But there really is little doubt anymore that our presence here (and our industry etc...) will change the planet.


Well-Known Member
The Nobel Committee? Musta been a slow year for peace...who knows. Collectively however, they are likely one of the "smartest"...whatever that means, groups on the planet.

GMAFB! They gave an "award" to Arafat, the biggest roadblock to Israel-Palestine relations in the past 50 years.

They gave one to Carter for something to do with mideast peace which never happened.

This "award" and those who bestow it in the past few decades has all the relevance of the Academy Awards. I would guess that Alfred Nobel is rolling in his dynamite encased grave.



GMAFB! They gave an "award" to Arafat, the biggest roadblock to Israel-Palestine relations in the past 50 years.

They gave one to Carter for something to do with mideast peace which never happened.

This "award" and those who bestow it in the past few decades has all the relevance of the Academy Awards. I would guess that Alfred Nobel is rolling in his dynamite encased grave.


"Smartest" Please notice quotation marks. There is no denying their academic credentials. There are plenty of reasons however, to doubt thier judgement. The reason I put the word in quotation marks and added "whatever that means" is that I tend to think that "smarts" ain't everything. It is often the smartest people who make the stupidest mistakes.

I realize my point was subtle, but let me make it more clear. They are making asses of themselves with this award...smart or not. I'm not sure what made you think that I was defending them. Settle....easy.:)

One other thing....I tend to think that the idea of a Peace Prize is a bit flawed to begin with. Peace is a subjective and politically defined thing, making an award based on "progres towards peace", a fundamentally subjective and flawed thing. The hard science Nobels for example, are met with comparatively little controversy and general scientific appreciation.

new user

Come on folks. You have to give him some credit. I mean, after the election in 2000, he was worth absolutely nothing and was in debt. Now, he's got an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize. Oh, and he also has millions of dollars because people want to give him money to save the environment....nevermind the fact he owns stock in Occidental Petroleum (and if you don't know Occidental...you may want to check out Love Canal). Um....he buys carbon credits from a company he controls to offset his carbon footprint. So he can do what he wishes, as long as he gives money to his own company to offset his carbon footprint, it's all good.

And it's ok to criticize think tanks that take money from oil companies, but not ok to criticize other think tanks or individuals taking money from lefty groups such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace....cause after all, these groups are here to save the environment, not destroy it like the evil oil companies.

See, you have to admire the man. He made up something that can't be proven and made tons of money off of it. If global warming exists, he can say, "I told you so". If it doesn't, he can say, "See, I fixed it, give me more money". It's a win-win situation for him. Damn, if I had only been that smart, I'd be rich too!


Don't forget he also invented the internet.
And he and Tipper were the role models for "Love Story" .... acccording to ALGORE .... I think I might puke up my freshly squeezed lime juice (and accompaniments) ... but I shall resist, as "Love means never having to say you're sorry" ....

*Cough*Gaaa-a-ack* :D


The Chief

Come on folks. You have to give him some credit.

Excellent points. Agreed, it is not an Al Gore problem at all, rather the sheep that run along behind him, gullible enought to let him get away with the nonsense.

However, Al did get a bad rap on the "Invented Internet" quote. Think what he actually said was " .... I facilitated the Internet", and what he meant was that the Federal Government had prohibited purchase of software/systems with TCP/IP as the communications interface, instead, requiring use of the NIST developed GOSSIP system. That is until Gore's transition team found out about that effort, halted it, and allowed Federal use of TCP/IP. Was there and saw it all come down.