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Al Gore Rocks!


Super Moderator
And he and Tipper were the role models for "Love Story" .... acccording to ALGORE .... I think I might puke up my freshly squeezed lime juice (and accompaniments) ... but I shall resist, as "Love means never having to say you're sorry" ....

*Cough*Gaaa-a-ack* :D

Well I don't know the veracity of this site, it is no Snopes, but it does have a counterpoint to the above.......



Super Moderator
And come on Flash...Gore does NOT rock..:)

I agree, he doesn't rock.......just wanted to get a rise out some people here......:D

Just curious, what the heck are you doing up at 5:47am?! Aren't you still unemployed? Or are you just staying up really late......:confused:;)


Sweep the leg..
I agree, he doesn't rock.......just wanted to get a rise out some people here......:D

Just curious, what the heck are you doing up at 5:47am?! Aren't you still unemployed? Or are you just staying up really late......:confused:;)

Haha, touche brother...but if my memory serves me correctly..and I believe it does,
you were logged on at 5:48am...:D

I'm still icing my nuts about the unemployed comment :p...I'm in the process of getting a commission
dammit, ease up!! :icon_wink
(Oh yeah....and I'll cover the beers next time, so don't swipe the tab! :))


Well I don't know the veracity of this site, it is no Snopes, but it does have a counterpoint to the above.......

OH YEAH ?????

A picture is worth a thousand words .... Fred R. Barnard

Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours .... Napoleon Bonaparte

One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words .... Chinese proverb

ALGORE is sucking Tipper's face off ..... A4sForever :)



Super Moderator
Haha, touche brother...but if my memory serves me correctly..and I believe it does,
you were logged on at 5:48am

I'm still icing my nuts about the unemployed comment :p...I'm in the process of getting a commission
dammit, ease up!! :icon_wink
(Oh yeah....and I'll cover the beers next time, so don't swipe the tab! :))

Well, I have an excuse for being up at that time.....I was working!! ;)

Icing your nuts? Best you keep that to yourself........:eek:


Super Moderator
I guess you mean the "other" picture??? Posted above??? Which I saw after I posted mine???

News flash!!! I don't follow most of you guys .... I do my own thing. :):sleep_125

Okay, okay.......you proved your point! Enough with the old people making out.....blech!:sick_125:


New Member
Personally, I think Gore getting the Peace prize is just stupid. He hasn't done anything to deserve it. Consider what has happened in the world since "An Inconvenient Truth" came out: nothing. War still rages in Iraq and Afghanistan. Burma is killing monks. The only move towards peace was Kim Jong-Ill signing an agreement with South Korea that he will stop pursuing nuclear weapons. News flash for the Nobel Organization: THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH AL GORE'S MOVIE!

"The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control. (direct quote from the Nobel website)" Missing the point on how making a movie fulfills that criteria. Take a look at the list of Peace Prize laureates. You find Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, the men who started the International Red Cross and the Geneva Convention to name a very few. How on earth does making a movie equate to leading the civil rights movement in America? Or dedicating you life to helping the poor and needy? I don't get it. I mean honestly, congrats to him. It's a great honor to be recognized by the Nobel organization. And in no way is this something that Al Gore is responsible for. He's just the beneficiary. It's seriously upsetting me.

There's only two things I can deduce from this outcome: a) The Nobel organization is more interested in jumping on the "Global Warming" bandwagon than they are about upholding the integrity of their organization or b) there was no one better out there and they wanted to give the award to somebody. The latter I would say is the saddest if it's true.

I'm gonna shut up now before I get seriously pissed.


The double chin on Skims pic is so much more enjoyable than the back fat of A4s pic.
