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Al Gore Rocks!


*1. Loins... GIRD

new user

Come on, can't you see that the guy deserves it? I mean, come on, he predicted Katrina and more Katrinas if we don't stop flying private jets to fly to Europe at the last minute for special announcements, or using enough electricity to power a small town for his three mansions (2 in TN and 1 in the DC area). And he also buys indulgences for his sins.....er.....I mean carbon credits to offset his energy consumptions.

The fact is, if the ice sheets in Greenland melt and expose the ancient Viking farms there, the oceans WILL rise 20 feet and drown out New York City and other coastal cities built below sea level like New Orleans....again! Sure, Siberia might not be as cold and will have longer growing seasons, but think of the polar bears!

Global warming is a threat to humanity. Forget about clean water and vaccinations for third world countries. Forget about the Earth, she's fine. It's us that will be wiped out by Global Warming. It's a threat, it's real and Al Gore is the prophet....er.....messenger....that will bring us back to worshiping Mother Earth....er....I mean, save humanity.

That, people, is why he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Global warming is a threat to humanity. Forget about the Earth, she's fine. It's us that will be wiped out by Global Warming.

As my geology teacher told us, we can never really harm the planet. We can wipe ouselves out of existence, but with time the planet will recover. Its about 4.2 billion years old with a few more billion ahead of us.

He was really against the ideas of humans causing global warming. He believed that it was vulcanism above and below the ocean increasing CO2 in our atmosphere, and the overall fact that our earth is dynamic and constantly changing, that is leading to global warming. I dont know if everyone would agree with him but it made sense to me.
I don't know if you are being serious or not but that is pretty absurd. That is kind of like saying George H.W. Bush drove George W Bush to drink and drive. And Tipper, since when was she a pothead?

Absurd? You're way behind the power curve there buddy. I won't go into current events but ancient history might suffice, you DO know ole Tipper was treated for mental depression? She freely admits it but won't say for how long she was treated and what drugs she was prescribed.
Face it, being married to that simple looking bastard would put anyone over the cuckoo's nest at least once. Shit, even Bubba Clinton used to get laughs at Owlgores expense. ;)


He believed that it was vulcanism above and below the ocean increasing CO2 in our atmosphere, and the overall fact that our earth is dynamic and constantly changing, that is leading to global warming. I dont know if everyone would agree with him but it made sense to me.
I can't believe that spock is somehow responsible...

The theory I've heard the most is that increased output from the sun (you know that giant ball of fire that is directly responsible for the earths seasons) is the cause of global warming.



Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
I can't believe that spock is somehow responsible...

The theory I've heard the most is that increased output from the sun (you know that giant ball of fire that is directly responsible for the earths seasons) is the cause of global warming.


Ha! In all due respect, I would prefer the logical vulcanism over romulanism.

Anyways, VOLCANISM according to him contributes the most greenhouse gases.


Back from the range
We're supposed to believe an electricity company over a VP has-been? What are you smoking? :confused:

The construct that all utility / big businesses are staffed with evil overlords that want to destroy the earth is not terribly accurate nor useful either.


Well-Known Member
While I hate to give credence to what is fairly obviously a propoganda piece from that power co-op, their article seems to be at least partly backed by actual research http://www.dukenews.duke.edu/2005/09/sunwarm.html. What they forgot to mention (honest mistake I'm sure) is that at MOST, 30 percent of the measured warming comes from the sun's effects. The coneheads from Duke who measured the sun's impact on global warming even went out of their way to say that their work doesn't discount the human contribution to climate change.


Working Plan B
Anyways, VOLCANISM according to him contributes the most greenhouse gases.
It also tends to increase albedo, which lowers temperatures. Study I last saw said the net effect would result in cooling.

It's a complicated issue.

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

new user

I can't remember the quote exactly so I'm paraphrasing it but someone (attributed to a weatherman they interviewed) said that "I don't know what is more arrogant, us thinking we are the cause of global warming, or that we can do something about it through legislation."

That pretty much sums up my thinking on global warming.