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All things MV-22 Osprey


Local JOPA Union Rep
Weapons on the V-22 is a great idea! It will do wonders for HQMC's big push to get fixed wing pilots to transition to the Osprey too. Hey that brings up a good question. Why is there such a big push to get fixed wing pilots out of their jets and into the seat of the Osprey?


Well-Known Member
In the articles they say that the Osprey can "come swooping in at 250 MPH and quickly convert to heli mode etc.."

I was wondering... how quick is that 'swoop?' Is it like coming in hot then slamming on the brakes in your car or is it more progressive...


UAL CA; retired hinge
... Why is there such a big push to get fixed wing pilots out of their jets and into the seat of the Osprey?
I've heard rumors from pretty credible sources but I'll refrain from posting them here for fear of starting a riot.

Thanks for the offer but, again, I'll pass on the transition. I heard that the guaranteed orders back to your original platform isn’t being offered for this FW push.



Jobu needs a refill!
GREAT !!! I, for one, hope it finally works and works well .... but where's the guns???


how cool would these be on it?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear the AF is using some of it's pull to get the V-22 some weapons. Have friends.....good friends.....going to fly it and have always wanted them to be able to better defend themselves.

Had I wanted Ospreys, I would've picked them after Primary.

Hear the wait to go to the RAG for current Osprey studs is like November of NEXT YEAR! With the deployment going on, not enough IP's in the RAG to meet the load. ACTUALLY, could work out well, a young 1stLt wiser than me has pointed out that waiting to go to the RAG after Advanced will make it easier for the Corps to just extend that last flying tour prior to your 8 years rather than try and train you up on something else, ie FAC.


UAL CA; retired hinge
... ACTUALLY, could work out well, a young 1stLt wiser than me has pointed out that waiting to go to the RAG after Advanced will make it easier for the Corps to just extend that last flying tour prior to your 8 years rather than try and train you up on something else, ie FAC.

Listening to a 1st Lt about fleet gouge ... that's smart. Serious question (since you've selected Hornets) - out of curiosity, what do you know about the career progression for a Hornet pilot? ... I ask because here's my gouge - the quicker you get to your fleet squadron, the better off you are, i.e. you want to be a 1stLt as long as you can your first tour, it'll help you in the long run. Also, you're gonna get 3 (maybe 4 depending on timing but rare these days due to overstaffing) years in your first squadron ... that's it, then you will get the choice of 1 year ground gig's to include FAC, EWS, MCRD, among a couple others ... the only way to stay Hornet will be RAG or Reserves (which currently requires ACTI and Div lead - few people are getting those these days on their first tour due to IA's - after two years on station you become eligable for IA's) or volunteer for MAG-12 in Iwakuni. The only other way to stay flying after your first tour is TraWing or MV-22 transition – big FW push for T-34’s & MV-22 (according to monitor’s page) - but at the expense of probably not flying the Hornet again.

You don’t want to hang around the RAG for a year … your wasting flight time & experience.


Well-Known Member
Listening to a 1st Lt about fleet gouge ... that's smart. Serious question (since you've selected Hornets) - out of curiosity, what do you know about the career progression for a Hornet pilot? ... I ask because here's my gouge - the quicker you get to your fleet squadron, the better off you are, i.e. you want to be a 1stLt as long as you can your first tour, it'll help you in the long run. Also, you're gonna get 3 (maybe 4 depending on timing but rare these days due to overstaffing) years in your first squadron ... that's it, then you will get the choice of 1 year ground gig's to include FAC, EWS, MCRD, among a couple others ... the only way to stay Hornet will be RAG or Reserves (which currently requires ACTI and Div lead - few people are getting those these days on their first tour due to IA's - after two years on station you become eligable for IA's) or volunteer for MAG-12 in Iwakuni. The only other way to stay flying after your first tour is TraWing or MV-22 transition – big FW push for T-34’s & MV-22 (according to monitor’s page) - but at the expense of probably not flying the Hornet again.

You don’t want to hang around the RAG for a year … your wasting flight time & experience.
What do I know, pretty much nothing. What does volunteer for MAG 12 mean? I'll do what I can, the best that I can, all I can do.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I've heard rumors from pretty credible sources but I'll refrain from posting them here for fear of starting a riot.

Thanks for the offer but, again, I'll pass on the transition. I heard that the guaranteed orders back to your original platform isn’t being offered for this FW push.


Go ahead, start the riot, everyone else does.

The "push" is the same as always. They never got as many F/W guys as they originally intended. I originally was skeptical of including F/W pilots at all, but they do bring a lot of knowledge about a 3-D battlespace that helo pilots often neglect because helos have intrinsic performance limitations. This goes especially for threat reaction, which goes beyond "break and get as close as you can to the deck" that helos do. As far as training goes, I've seen little difference between helo and fixed wing backgrounds. "And that's about all I've got to say about that," said Forrest.

The gun improvement was already programmed, but hopefully the USAF involvement will accelerate the development process. The candidates they're looking at rock. When they're done, this thing will probably have more firepower than anything else in the assault inventory ever has, including the Paves.

And to readdress the Time magazine article, it's crap.


The gun improvement was already programmed, but hopefully the USAF involvement will accelerate the development process. The candidates they're looking at rock. When they're done, this thing will probably have more firepower than anything else in the assault inventory ever has, including the Paves.

Now you're just teasing me. If only they'd start filling the West Coast squadrons sooner, I'd be all over it.