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All things MV-22 Osprey


Super Moderator
Don't know if anyone saw this but they're looking at adding a turret machine gun to the osprey. options could include a 7.62 gatling or .50 cal.
I wish the Navy was getting some of these.


More info on the Remote Guardian, including a Power Point brief in PDF. Amazing what Google can do for you.......;)




New Member
I am about 18 months away from getting anywhere near selcetion time since I am expecting to go to OCS in January of 08, but I must admit, I am more than intrigued by the Osprey and I truly hope it does well in Iraq.

We are all aware that it has had it's problems, but I view that now as a benefit to this aircraft, we are always most vulnerable where we think we are the safest. That is not the case with this aircraft and so I would bet the vigilence level is pretty high which I find as a source of comfort to the those flying these bad boys both here in the US and now in Iraq.

And whether you are a fan of this plane or not, you have to admit, the idea of having a plane that can land like a helo is pretty cool.

As for my two cents about main stream journalism, I would try not to pay any attention to it. That "Time's" article is just another bash on the war in Iraq, masked as an Osprey article using the V-22 as a scape goat of another bad idea involved with this war. A journalist's bread and butter is in trying to scare the public, otherwise no one would pay them any attention.

Good Luck to all of you, no matter what you are flying...


FAC, former Phrog pilot
For phrogdriver:

1. We all know that dual engine failure is extremely unlikely, in virtually any aircraft. But it is still a possibility, and I've never heard a definite answer to the problem, particularly at lower altitudes (under 500 feet) and slower speeds (100 kts or less).

2. What do former phrog and shitter CCs have to say about their visibility in the back, since they can't stick their heads out?

3. Do you know "Dick," aka Johnny Snax?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
1. One, it's less likely in this aircraft, due to the physical separation of the engines (single round/burst won't take out both, 1 shedding turbine blades won't hurt the other, etc). The likelihood of both quitting at low altitude, WITH NO WARNING (surging, sputtering, whatever), is what's incredibly remote. If I suspect that I have a problem that will affect both engines, I'm either putting it right back down if able, or transitioning to airplane and assuming an emergency profile designed to take maximize APLN-mode flight to landing. Once I'm in APLN, my survivability in the event of a dual failure is at least as good as a helo.

2. In airplane mode flight, sticking one's head out isn't really feasible to start with, even if you had an open hatch--I don't think you could keep your helmet on at 200+ knots. Once the nacelles are up, they can open up a half-door to get better vis, or more commonly, look out the ramp. But yes, a lot of them would like bigger windows, and I believe they are supposed to get some later on.

3. Nope


FAC, former Phrog pilot
As to the dual engine failure:
I was thinking more along the lines of fuel contamination or exhaustion...

Is there an EP for dual engine failure?

Are you saying that coming into an unimproved surface (including water) at >60 kts is as survivable as touching down vertically as in an auto?


Registered User
My take

Dual Engine Failure Fuel Exhaustion EP --

*1) You are a dumba-- for not landing earlier


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
As to the dual engine failure:
I was thinking more along the lines of fuel contamination or exhaustion...

Is there an EP for dual engine failure?

Are you saying that coming into an unimproved surface (including water) at >60 kts is as survivable as touching down vertically as in an auto?

Yes, there are EPs for dual failure in VTOL and APLN.

If you are in a dual-engine failure due to fuel exhaustion in a rotorcraft, you are a fool and need to be removed from the gene pool.

The fuel contamination bit gets thrown around a bit, but I think it's a very remote chance that it will happen right after takeoff. Acceptable risk, whatever. You can't live your life around the corner case.

With a plow-type bulkhead under the cockpit, blades designed to break outward, mass-shedding of the wings on impact, and crash-attenuating seats for pilots AND pax, I think gliding is quite reasonable.

Here's an excerpt from David Harvey's column in next month's Defence Helicopter magazine.


New Member
i think the v-22 is only in the air force but the v-35 joint strike fighter is supposed to come on line as a new fighter but who knows when


Well-Known Member
i think the v-22 is only in the air force but the v-35 joint strike fighter is supposed to come on line as a new fighter but who knows when

Nope. V-22 is now selectable for marines. Probably coming online quite soon.
I read some where that the F-35 won't come on till like '10 for the Air Force but not till '12 for the Marines. I guess that it is about time for the CH-46E Sea Knight to be replaced scince it is the oldest in the fleet.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
I read some where that the F-35 won't come on till like '10 for the Air Force but not till '12 for the Marines. I guess that it is about time for the CH-46E Sea Knight to be replaced scince it is the oldest in the fleet.
First of all, they have nothing to do with each other ... did you mean the MV-22?

Second, you better watch what you say about the Phrog going anywhere - Marines are standing by to end you.

Wise men have said that the last Phrog driver is yet to have been born ...


Making Recruiting Great Again
I read some where that the F-35 won't come on till like '10 for the Air Force but not till '12 for the Marines. I guess that it is about time for the CH-46E Sea Knight to be replaced scince it is the oldest in the fleet.

Add a few more years to that 2010 and 2012 for a more accurate timeframe.