I'm picturing an IZLID showing up and someone being like "WTF is this!?"I don't think you appreciate how broke everyone is. Assuming 10 aircraft in a squadron, that's $10K! Per squadron. That's at least $50K-$70K in a Wing. That's a lot of money.
Any conversation that involves money and the Reserves is a different conversation. They have a significantly different funding set to get all the toys. Hell, at one point we had an OpsO just randomly decide to buy an IZLID. We had no way to use it, but he bought it.
A noble mission, no doubt, but again, the money has to come from somewhere.
Sounds like they need to put pressure on their leaders to get them the best tools possible. That's all there is to it, right?
I do get your points. There's a similar battle with management at my company about how we still can't use Foreflight legally for weather, and it sounds like the battle has been lost, which is ridiculous. But that doesn't change the reality.
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