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All things MV-22 Osprey


Thanks for the consideration. I wasn't trying to flame, just saying that there's a reason why the formation flyover wasn't in parade five feet from each other's spinning blades.

The Osprey has it's own unique limitations, but if it were a helo there would be no reason to not be within one rotor diameter (parade for helos).

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
You must be a really good pilot. Lot's of experience. Lot's of burning wreckage.

Well I learn something new every day, like ospreys being limited by NATOPS to 250' in formation. I guess that makes sense with what I said. And the post where I clarified that I wasn't trying to flame. Weird


If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
Well I learn something new every day, like ospreys being limited by NATOPS to 250' in formation. I guess that makes sense with what I said. And the post where I clarified that I wasn't trying to flame. Weird

Too late, damage is done. Helo hater.

...suck just 1 dick, and you're gay for life...


Milk and Honey
Not so much, I like the song though.

Well I humbly cow-tow to your choice of screen name as that song reminds me of my Uncle who was a bush/seaplane pilot that has picked away with his old Gibson to songs like that in many a dive-bar; and for those many that I have been to, I remain a fan.

+1 to you.


If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
Does anyone know why they opted for the 7.62 in the belly gun and not the 50 cal?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Probably because chambering for a bigger round would add a great deal of bulk to the system, possibly requiring airframe modifications.

I always wanted a Bofors 40mm. "It shoots through schools."


Probably because chambering for a bigger round would add a great deal of bulk to the system, possibly requiring airframe modifications.

I always wanted a Bofors 40mm. "It shoots through schools."

Could weight possibly a factor? For the same characteristics they are trying to derive from the gun, they would have needed something almost the equivalent of a GAU 19.
GAU 2B weighs about 60 ibs while GAU 19 weighs about 130 ibs.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Could weight possibly a factor? For the same characteristics they are trying to derive from the gun, they would have needed something almost the equivalent of a GAU 19.
GAU 2B weighs about 60 ibs while GAU 19 weighs about 130 ibs.

I'm betting size was more important than system weight, except for the sense that the motor that retracts the gun would have to be more robust. That whole system has to fit in a fairly small space.


Standing by for the RIF !
There should be some excellent V-22 lessons learned coming. The V-22's w/ VMM-263 up at Camp Leatherneck should be wrapping up this spring and the AF just brought home a detachment of CV-22's from Bagram. I bet these aircraft will come home with lots of flight hours and lots of operational knowledge to pass on.

Is the Marine Corps V-22 squadrons actively talking to AFSOC V-22 squadrons to share stories?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
There should be some excellent V-22 lessons learned coming. The V-22's w/ VMM-263 up at Camp Leatherneck should be wrapping up this spring and the AF just brought home a detachment of CV-22's from Bagram. I bet these aircraft will come home with lots of flight hours and lots of operational knowledge to pass on.

Is the Marine Corps V-22 squadrons actively talking to AFSOC V-22 squadrons to share stories?

VMM-263 left Camp Bastion as soon as the birds were dropped off with VMM-261. VMM-263 is home right now.

Most of the coordination between the USMC and USAF takes place at the entry-level, e.g. VMMt-204 has a significant USAF presence, including a LtCol USAF det CO, and at the higher level, e.g. MAWTS-1. Fleet squadrons do not interact with USAF counterparts much directly, and shouldn't.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Jab at the AF with the quote?

No. "Johnny Dangerously."

"It's an 88magnum . . .it shoots through schools"

"This goes through armor. And through the victim, through the wall, through a tree outside... "

The Bofors 40 thing came about when a few of us had just looked at a prototype of the IDWS and somebody said, "You know what would be pretty cool on that thing?"

In unison,"A BOFORS 40."