Anyone with an open mind who has flown both care to chime in?
They both have their fun points. The tandem-rotor on the CH-46 allows you to whip it around at low speeds, and it's pretty nimble down low. It doesn't care much about where the wind is blowing from, which is nice.
Big picture though, the V-22 is a lot more of a rush to fly. When you come out of a zone, you COME OUT OF THE ZONE! You're going from being in a field on the deck to over 200 knots in a very short time. The rates of climb and descent are much greater. TERF has its charms, but unless you're below 100' and hooking and jabbing with trees, it's not all that great. LAT in eastern NC with a V-22 can get a little repetitive, but take it up in the mountains, and it is some of the coolest flying you'll ever get to do.
Other big plus--a cross country in an Osprey is indeed a little boring--IFR all the way. But, it's not a week-long, butt-numbing, sweat-inducing endurance challenge like it is in a helicopter.